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Re: Transylvania (vampire/werewolf/human rp) (Open)

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:36 pm
by Caster_HD
He slightly wrung his hands together as they walked, his nervousness trickled away slowly as they walked the halls and stopped almost completely by the time they reached his new room but the condition of the sheets made his wart skip a beat as he saw all the tears,
"Just one question for now, what happened in here?" he sat his one suitcase down beside the bed fingering the lacerations that covered the bedspread.

Re: Transylvania (vampire/werewolf/human rp) (Open)

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:47 am
by 1.21 gigawatts
May turned and looked at the torn sheets on the bed and chuckled.
"Oh those silly things? Dearie, I've been housing newbies for over fifty years now. I've learned to not change the sheets after every full moon." She started walking out of the room but stopped. "The rest of the house, however, has been rebuilt many times before. If you need more sheets there are some extras on the sofa." With that, she left the boy in the room and headed off to bed herself.

Re: Transylvania (vampire/werewolf/human rp) (Open)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:33 am
by Caster_HD
Letting the old women leave he sat at the edge of the bed not realizing how tired he was until he did so. Tomorrow would be better here, he thought, as the crushing aspect of leaving his life behind finally hit him
"It'll be okay, it always has been." He thought to himself making a note to change the sheets and unpack tomorrow but for now all he wanted was sleep.

Re: Transylvania (vampire/werewolf/human rp) (Open)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:56 pm
by 1.21 gigawatts
As the sun began peeking its rays over the horizon and the time neared six thirty, the town began stirring with signs of life. The night watchers trickled in from their long shifts, switching with the day patrols. May hobbled into the room where Ziek lay sleeping and pulled open the torn curtains, letting the morning sun wash into the room.
"Time to get up, Ziek," she said as she began walking out of the room. "It's time for the tour." While the boy was waking up, May began getting ready herself.

As the sun began rising, the vampires hid away within the shadows. Eleanor was just finishing up yet another book after the conversation with some other vampires had ceased. the curtains were drawn, letting the sunlight in. It slowly crawled up the floor, making its way towards Eleanor's feet. She let it come dangerously close to her toes before pulling away. Being a vampire her entire life made her wonder what it would be like to be something else. Something that need not fear the touch of the sun. All the dreaming would not protect her from the burn of the sun. She walked up to the window, careful not to touch any light, and closed the curtains, shutting out any life. She repeated this process for all the windows in the library before leaving for her room. Guided by candlelight, she passed many vampires stationed for day watch. They looked deathly sick from all their years alternating day and night watch. Being a vampire and sleeping during the night and awake during the day did no good on the body. Many vampires had gone mad from lack of moonlight and there was nothing that could be done to save them. Eleanore was thankful she never had to experience such torture in her line of work.