Sunclan | Accepting | Started

Once a kitten was born with her coat as golden as the sun on a hot summer day. This kitten was named Sun but she didn't seem like any normal kitten but one who had a look in her eyes that was beyond her age. She was smarter and more wise than her siblings and one day a fox attacked them. Sun followed what her gut feeling was telling her and she ran, little did she know that it was going to be the last time she would see her mother and siblings alive. She returned later but only it broke her heart when she found her mother dead and her siblings either dead or missing. Sun nuzzled her mother and asked her to wake up but she never stirred. Sun spent a little bit longer mourning over her family knowing she would have to leave soon. When she left she ran blindly, eventually falling off a small cliff into a pool of water, looking like a drop of sun which had fallen. Only a pair of eyes saw this but the creature vanished before her head even broke the surface. From there Sun learned how to hunt and defend herself while living by this small lake. Moons later, Sun had left her paradise to traveled the forest, still alone, hardly ever seeing any other cats like they didn't exsist. After each day she grew more and more lonely until one day she came across another cat. This cat was very old and weak so she hunted and took care of this sick and old cat. That cat's name was Sparkstripe. In return for her kindness, Sparkstripe told Sun about his younger days and about the clan named Sunclan. By this time the clan was long gone because twolegs had destroyed their homeland and killed the clan off when he was a kit. Sun was saddened by this and was devoted to make the clan for Sparkstripe to live out his days. She had Sparkstripe to tell her the way of the clans and about Starclan so she could make this possible. So Sun and Sparkstripe traveled out of the forest and around before Sun met cats and eventually, later formed the clan. Sun became Sunstar and took care of the clan and everyone in it. Sparkstripe on his dying day told Sunstar that he had a prophecy of a golden cat from the sun would rebuild the ancient clan that died long ago. When he first met her he knew that Sun was the cat that Starclan had spoken about. Later he died in his sleep and went to Starclan peacefully. They were faced with a challenge that winter with a snow storm and famine. If they were to survive then Sunclan was meant to be but if they were to die then Sunclan dies with them. They made it through the storm with Sunstar's bravery and leadership. Proving she was worthy of being leader and that Sunclan was meant to be. That is the history of Sunstar and the revival of our clan little one, now close your eyes and go to sleep.