by spiritmoon » Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:01 pm
[center] [color=#BF00FF]~she stared wordlessly at Spiritmoon then at the other clan cat. She narrowed her eyes, blinked away tears, and ran off into the forest. Who knew if she would ever go back to her former home. All she knew was she didn't have a place to call home anymore~[/color]
[color=#4000FF] Hey guys! Spirit here, I'll be taking leave for a while XD! Spiritmoon might come back as a starclan warrior to bring prophesies later, tho! Thanks for being such a great role play family! Bye for now![/color][/center]
Edit: lol my coding isn't working. Rip
Last edited by
spiritmoon on Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Anyone Can Do Anything....

As Long As They Never Say "I Cant"