SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Post role plays centered around the fantasy world of animals from books, movies, and games.

Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby bubble1234 » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:43 am


Lunapaw stared at the dead body of a the clan cat. After a few seconds Luna nodded, "Umm, alright Icefern..." she said running away. I guess she won this race.
Basically gone.
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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby AngelTheWolf » Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:24 pm

(Braveheart disappeared already)

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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby Nebullama » Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:53 pm

Tumbleweed wrote:
Tumbleweed wrote:
| Rocket | Male | Loner | xxx | Tags: -None- |

Spiritclan? Rocket thought. The name seemed awfully familiar.
"The name's Rocket," he snarled at Abysspaw.
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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby AngelTheWolf » Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:10 am

She looked up from Spiritmoon's body and ran back to camp, tears streaming down her face. "Stormstar!!" she yelled "Spiritmoon's...." she then yelped. He's gone...

(Now I must reveal a secret, Icefern loved Spiritmoon, I know that's like, illegal, but she did.)

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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby dragonlady » Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:08 pm

(Aah, sorry I went on vacation for a while)
"That's a stupid name" Abysspaw snarled back, her fur rising again as she took a step backwards. Stupid name or not, this loner could very easily hurt her badly, or even kill her.
What does the fox say?

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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby Nebullama » Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:41 pm

| Rocket | Male | Loner | xxx | Tags: Abysspaw |

"Well," Rocket said calmly, sitting down, "I'm sorry for not coming to you first. It's not my fault that some stupid twolegs decided my name."
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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby dragonlady » Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:51 am

Abysspaw blinked in surprise. The loner no longer seemed to be angry at her for some reason.
"Twolegs decided your name? I didn't know they could even talk." she said, sitting as well.
What does the fox say?

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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby Nebullama » Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:58 am

| Rocket | Male | Loner | xxx | Tags: Abysspaw |

Rocket sighed.
"It's really hard to understand them, that much is true. They speak mostly mumbo-jumbo, but I eventually picked up a few things. So...yeah."
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Re: SpiritClan V.2 -Posting Open, Accepting!

Postby mazie » Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:29 am

Name: ducksplash
Gender: tom
Age: twenty moons
Rank: warrior
he is great at lying and surprisingly very deceptive, but he is a ki
nd, strong, noble, and honest warrior, for the most part. he's very
ambitious and has plans for the future, such as finding another m
ate and having kits again. he of course misses his old mate, holly
heart, but he has moved on. he still cares deeply for her, and his
kits. he's brave and deals with things without showing that he's
depressed, grieving, or sad. for instance he's devastated that rus
setstar passed, but he doesn't let it show. ducksplash is bold and e
xtremely competitive, and never backs down at a challenge or
competition. currently he is searching for a new relationship be
cause he hates being lonely, but he's striving to make himself a
better cat while doing so. he's always trying to improve himself
and others around him, and trying to make the world a better p
lace. his motto? can't we all just get along? that's all about him!
Strengths: climbing, hunting, tracking
Weaknesses: swimming, fighting, proving his point
History: ducksplash was born into spiritclan to a mother by the
name of thistleflower. she always favored spottedmoon over h
im because of the fact that she was practically perfect. he had
many friends as a kit, however, and ignored his mother as much
as he could. spottedmoon felt bad for him but he couldn't care
less. it just made him more persistent to become the best warr
ior that he could be. at six moons old he was appointed a ment
or named stoneleap who proved himself to be a noble and bra
ve warrior when he sacrificed his life for ducksplash's. there w
as a fox when they were out training and it was attacking him.
if it wasn't for his mentor that would of been his very last bre
ath. he was awarded the suffix splash because even though e
veryone knows he hates water, he save a kit from drowning.
Description: handsome ginger tabby tom with a few white m
arkings and amber eyes.

Name: spottedmoon
Gender: she-cat
Age: twenty moons
Rank: warrior
she is very respectful of others and thinks before she speaks,
most of the time. she is honest and straight forward with other
s. if she doesn't like you then she will simply tell you that. stra
ight to your face. you could say spottedmoon is not a coward, be
cause she sure as heck isn't. she's brave, not only in battle, but
in real life situations. she's not afraid to challenge cats of high
er ranks, if she feels they are wrong. she's incredibly intelligent
and uses that to her advantage in battle and real life situations.
Strengths: fighting, swimming, running
Weaknesses: fishing, hunting, climbing
History: spottedmoon was born into spiritclan to a mother by th
e name of thistleflower. thistleflower was one of the eldest que
ens in the nursery at the time and she was often teased about it,
though ducksplash didn't know of this. so she too was hurting. sh
e ignored them and loved her mother until the day she peacefull
y passed in the elder's den. she always looked out for her brother
and felt sympathy towards him. she's very protective over him.
Description: beautiful white she-cat with silver markings and
pale blue eyes.

Last bumped by mazie on Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:29 am.
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