✖ all of eldemore's rules apply.
✖ no spam.
✖ please, be nice to everybody on this thread.
✖ no gory images or explicit content.
✖ no mary/gary sues, nobody is perfect.
✖ i can't think of anything else
✖ oh yeah, use common sense .-.
✖ no really short posts; this isn't literate but i don't want to see "he sat down."
make your own c: but include username, name, age, gender, sexuality, and group (popular, jock, nerd, or outcast)
F R O S T ✖ F L O W E R ; ;
hey there, i'm frost flower, but you can call me
whatever you want. i'm just a random teen
living in california enjoying life and roleplays.
i also play on a site called chickensmoothie, and
if you play,my username is just jupiter; stalk me
on there if you wish x3 imma pretty nice gal
and shoot me a pm if you feel like it! bai
L I F E ✖ I S
T O O ✖ S H O R T
T O ✖ W A I T