by Gum-Gum » Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:33 pm
{ R U L E S }
{x} All of the official site rules apply.
{x} Please apply your entry ----
{x} At least 2 sentences when you write.
{x} Must be active! If you join this roleplay I expect you to roleplay when you can.
- C L I C K - O N - M Y - B A B I E S - I F - Y O U - D O N ' T - W A N T -T H E M - T O - D I E !

Hey there, you must have
looked on my signature by now since your reading this.Please click the dragon eggs above since I don't want them to die. I hope you feel the same. Anyway, my favourite hobbies are Reading warrior cat books, BBcode and mostly just browsing {you can
call it gaming if you want} on the internet. I hope you have a nice day c: