"Willy, no matter how many times you say otherwise, the Sealer is not our child," Sorren says, sounding pained, dragging out each syllable for maximum sarcastic effect.
Willy gasps and covers your ears ineffectually with his hands. "Sorren! They can hear you!" he hisses, trying to level Sorren with a glare, but the corners of his mouth are twitching into a smile and Sorren just stares at him blankly.
He gives and exaggerated sigh and turns you around to face him. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this, Sealer, but you're adopted," he says with mock grief, face twisting into an odd mix of faked remorse and amusement.
"I know," you say, "It happened like last week."
Sorren groans and Willy laughs.
"See, Sorren? It's already been a week of being parents and we're still fine! We have Muzu, and Fiore, and now the Sealer! We're one big, weird family," he says, hugging you to prove his point.
"Can we go now? I'm hungry," you say, because Sorren looks like he's itching for one of his knives.
"Hi Hungry, I'm Dad," Willy says, looking like the Serva who got the cream, and you and Sorren groan in unison.
"But yeah, just because your mother isn't coming-" Sorren levels Willy with a positively murderous glare- "It'll just be you and Daddy Willy, all alone for lunch."
"You can't just gallivant around Silverport, Willy, we're supposed to be teaching the Sealer, not playing house," Sorren says, but it's mostly just a token protest at this point. "Besides, your-" he pauses, clearly distasteful of the name you've so far been referring to your blood bonded crowling- "Your Soulbird doesn't want you to go."
You scoop them close to your chest, looking at Sorren with a mildly horrified expression. "No they don't, they're fine with it. They're my bond, Sorren," you say, and the just-fledging baby peeps from where they are nestled safely in your hands.
"I think they want to go, and you're just a no-fun spoil sport," Willy teases, throwing his arm around your shoulders and inviting Fiore to hop atop his, motioning at Muzu to follow him as he steers you out the door. "Don't worry, Mom, I've got the kids this time," Willy laughs, Muzu lighting on your head only to roll in your hair like the very weird bird that he is, and you make a disgruntled noise, trying to disentangle him while Fiore paws at your hair, either trying to help or make it worse.
Sorren makes a pained noise and sags in defeat, getting up to follow you out the door.
"See, Sealer, I told you that would work," he whispers before throwing his other hand around Sorren's neck, hauling him into his side as you follow them down.
You don't think they're a very bad family at all.