Chapter 9
It was the next day at sunset that Willy and Sorren found themselves scouting out the area around the Jade Palace. Both of them knew the area was huge, but walking around the outskirts gave them both a new perception on the idea of “big.”
The outskirts were surrounded with both a mote and a white wall. Inside of that were a multitude of large gardens and courtyards. Moving further inward, one found a second wall - with open gates - and on the inside of that was the actual palace. Sorren found all of this out through Muzu who was circling high above the area.
The palace itself was placed at the top of a mountain. This provided the south side of the palace with a natural defense in the form of a sheer cliff. On any other day, Sorren imagined the East, West and North sides would be heavily guarded, but because of the event, the defense had been focused on the main entrance at the North side.
This gave the pair the option of sneaking in through the East or West gates.
“When ‘ye said this was a public event, I somehow imagined us goin’ through the front entrance,” Willy said, coming up on Sorren’s left side. “I even washed me face for it.”
Sorren broke out of his thoughts to scan over Willy’s appearance. His hair was windblown and tangled, and his clothes were dirty, stained, faded, and frayed. “Will, I don’t think washing your face makes you any more presentable to the public. And although the party is technically public, there are still restrictions on who can get in.” He paused for another moment, focusing on Muzu’s view of the surroundings. “It should be possible to sneak in through the east side.”
“You sure?” The mote was swimmable, if there was nothing in it that would attack them, but the twenty foot sheer wall on the opposing side would not be an easy climb.
“Yes,” he answered simply. With that, Sorren produced a long grappling hook from a pocket at his hip and began to twirl it in the air. He lengthened the rope as it speed up, and all too soon, it was merely a blur of an afterimage with a diameter as tall as Sorren himself.
With practiced ease, he released and the hook flew straight at the wall on the other side, flying over it with an inch to spare. Sorren tugged twice, imbedding the hooks in the tiles that covered the wall and making sure it was stuck well. Then, he tightened his fists on end of the rope, and jumped.
Sorren flew through the air and over the mote, getting only the tips of his boots wet as he passed. He hit the wall with a dull thud, cushioning the impact as best he could with his hands. He wasted no time in scrambling up the rope, and hauling himself onto the top of the wall.
Once making sure the hook was still secure, Sorren swung the end of the rope for Willy to grab hold.
Grumbling incoherently about wanting to go the party, Willy grabbed the end and swung across the mote in the same way Sorren had.
“Hurry Will,” Sorren said as Willy slowly clambered up the end of the rope. “The Foo dogs are about to pass this way.”
Willy picked a couple of choice swear words, and hauled himself onto the top of the roof with Sorren’s help. Then came the decent down the large wall. Sorren picked out a nice tree that was relatively close to the wall, and jumped for the second branch. He swung off of it with one hand and came to a soft landing on the grass.
Willy took more time on it than Sorren had, jumping for the third branch, which was roughly even with the top of the wall, and then clambered down from there. All the while, Sorren’s eyes were telling him to hurry it up.
Once on the ground, the two took off across the stretch of garden at a quick jog. The garden itself, the two quickly found, was quite the maze. The stone paths twisted and turned, so that it was impossible to go straight in any direction for more than a few running strides. Sometimes there were creeks in the way, sometimes the path ran into an entire pond which then had circular stepping stones they had to jump for.
“Can’t we just run straight across the garden?” Willy demanded after they had taken a rather round-about path through a grove of trees.
“There are more obstacles outside the path than there are on it,” Sorren stated. “Up ahead there’s another pond and the only way we can cross that is to go over the bridge, which is on the path.”
With a sigh, Willy continued onward after Sorren. Still, despite the difficulty of the path, the journey itself was relatively easy. That was until they got within the inner garden that directly surrounded the palace.
“I... I see the castle,” Willy huffed as they rounded a turn. It was almost straight in front of them now, and impossible to mistake for any other building. It rose seven stories in the sky, and it’s walls were a brilliant golden color with jade-colored roof tiles.
At that moment, there was a deep growl behind them. Both men whirled around to see two Foo dogs emerging from the underbrush to their left and right. Fiore gave a loud hiss from Willy’s shoulders, and Muzu lowered himself in the sky until he was circling directly above their heads, ready to attack if necessary.
The Foo dogs lunged, barking up a terrible racket as they gained speed. The two men stood back to back, Sorren facing the one on the right while Willy stared down the one on the left.
It was when the Foo dog made a leap for his throat that Sorren finally moved. He slipped to the side, dodging the impossibly sharp teeth with just an inch to spare, and spun around so that he came up on the Foo dog’s side. He pulled a dart-like weapon from a pocket, he threw it, and it embedded itself in the Foo dog’s neck.
It took longer than he would’ve preferred for the tranquilizer to take effect. The Foo dog gave another hearty bark, stumbled toward Sorren on wobbly legs and had almost reached him before it collapsed on its side, unconscious.
Willy, who had no fancy dart tranquilizers, had to rely on brute force to knock his out. It took several hits to the back of the neck, one kick to the stomach - because the Foo dog had gotten on top of him and had been holding him down – a scratch across the nose by Fiore, and a couple of pecks to the legs by Muzu to finally get his unconscious.
“We need to hurry. Someone will have heard the commotion,” Sorren hissed under his breath, darting toward the shadows of the castle with Willy right on his heels.
However, the guards were either incredibly deaf, or they were even farther away from the front of the castle than they had realized. No others ever showed up to stop them. After hiding for what must have been a solid quarter of an hour, Sorren and Willy eased themselves out of the shadows.
“Should we split up from here?” Willy questioned. “I can go inside and hang around the party –”
“No,” Sorren cut him off with a sharp glance. “Well, yes let’s do split up to search for them, but I’ll go inside.”
Willy’s lips puffed up in a small pout. “Aw, but I’ll stick to the shadows and I promise to be quiet.”
“Will, you’re about as quiet as an angry drake,” Sorren replied, raising one eyebrow as he watched his friend. Still, the pleading look did not leave Willy’s eyes, and at last Sorren heaved a sigh of resignation. “Scout around the outside first, and once I get a feel for what’s going on inside, we can see.”
“Yes!” Willy threw up a fist in elation. “Alright, I’ll be headin’ off then.” With that, he jogged around the back side of the castle, eager to start the job and get done with it so he could see the party inside.
“Keep an eye on him Muzu,” Sorren whispered to the crow before turning back to the castle and scanning it to find the best possible route in. After several minutes of surveying, he came to the conclusion that his best bet was the second story window.
Once again, he pulled out the small grappling hook, swung it around a few times before tossing it up to the roof and embedding it in the large tiles. The roof tiles were slick with the dew of the early evening, and Sorren was forced to concentrate simply so he wouldn’t go sliding off the edge.
Reaching the glass window, Sorren took a few thin metal rods from his pocket and picked the lock. The window opened with one loud squeak, and Sorren slipped inside quickly.
The room he found himself in was completely vacant save for an old desk shoved against the left side of the wall. He crossed the small space, and opened the sliding door on the opposing side. The hallway that it opened into was dark and narrow, just wide enough to fit one person.
Sorren paused for a moment, checking to make sure that no one was present before attempting to work toward the area of the party. He could hear the sounds of conversation and laughter easily, but getting to it was unexpectedly difficult as the hallways in the castle were just as much of a maze as the paths in the garden.
It twisted and turned, dead-ended at more vacant rooms, and even descended a few stairs only to rise again just a few strides later. Still, using the senses that he’d developed on the streets in his youth, and honed in the Watch Crows for years, he was able to track the echoing noises. Slowly, they became clearer until the hallway opened out on a balcony.
Down below, on the first floor, Sorren could see the heart of the party. Roughly two hundred people were in the large ballroom. On the left side was a table of drinks, on the right side was a buffet, but what stood out the most was a large cake in the middle of the room.
Scanning the people, he looked for any abnormalities in their behavior. All of them appeared to be wealthy individuals of the Oriental Isles, dressed in the finest of the traditional garments, and all of them had black hair and fair skin.
Suddenly, a chill traveled up Sorren’s spine. Someone was watching him. He could feel it. Once more, his eyes scanned through the people, until they landed on a pair of emerald green eyes turned up in his direction. For an endless moment, the two seemed to stare at each other.
The green-eyed man was on the younger side compared to the others at the party, perhaps in his early twenties, with long black hair that hung down to his elbows. He was thin, and perhaps even paler than the majority of the orients which gave him a slightly frail look.
Sorren was about to write off the man looking his way as a mere coincidence when he smiled. Sorren recognized it on the spot; it was the same smile that he’d seen from the first cloaked man they encountered. There was no doubt in his mind. This was Zar.
Unfortunately, the close proximity of Zar to the other party members would make an attack impossible. He needed to separate the man out. He needed a distraction. And he was going to need Willy to do it.
“Muzu,” Sorren called out mentally to his crow who was fluttering above Willy,
“I need Willy inside. Lead him where I direct you.”With a little short caw, Muzu ducked down from his flying altitude, pecked Willy none-to-gently on the head, and then proceeded to roll in his hair.
“Gah, what do ‘ya want Muzu?” Willy demanded, untangling the bird with his left and rubbing over the forming bruise on his head with the right.
As soon as the bird was untangled, he took to the air again, fluttering about ten feet in front of Willy. He gave a short caw.
“There’re better ways to tell me to follow ‘ye,” Willy muttered, “But alright.” He took off at a jog after the crow, who lead him around to the front entrance.
Willy stood for a moment behind the bushes, out of sight of the arriving guests and turned to Muzu who was still fluttering about just a few feet in front of him. “He wants me to go in? In through the front?”
Muzu dipped down slightly and then rose back up, as if forming a nod. A wide grin spread across Willy’s face. “Good, ‘cause I might’a done that anyway after ‘ya went to the trouble of leadin’ me here.”
Willy emerged from the shadows, and jumped into a small crowd of people who were headed toward the front entrance. His idea was to blend in, but with his dirty, pirate looking clothes, red hair, tall stature, and the sea serval draped across his back this was quite impossible. The people who he had leapt in with stared at him, and then parted around him.
So just blending into a group and walking in wasn’t going to work at all.
Well, then let’s try somethin’ else. As soon as he got within sight of the guards, who were stationed at the front doors, Willy began staggering, falling a little bit left and then a little right as he stumbled his way up to the doors. On his face, he plastered a dopy looking smile.
The guards were older Orients, dressed in black with their hair clipped so tidily that not a single short strand was out of place. They looked ready to pounce on anyone who caused problems. They spotted him from thirty feet away and the one to the left rushed forward to intercept him.
“'Eeeyyy mate,” Willy said, drawing out his words and adding a bit of a slur to them.
“Leave at once,” came the brutish voice of the guard. “We will not tolerate your type here, especially drunk.”
“No need ‘ta be a party-pooper,” Willy said, craftily dodging around the man’s grasp as he stumbled right. “I get enough ‘a dat at home.” Before the guard could make another move to grab him, Willy darted forward at a flat run.
The second guard, who was standing on the right of the doors moved to block Willy, but he was far too fast. He jumped left, out of the man’s reach. Fiore, who seemed to think this was all great fun, leapt off of Willy’s shoulders and landed squarely on the back of the guard. He overbalanced forward, and fell face first into the dirt.
“Nice one Fiore!” Willy called as he moved through the hallways. The second guard was still after him, shouting about the ‘drunk old man’ who was invading the castle.
“Who’s he callin’ old? I ain’t old,” Willy said, to Fiore and Muzu who were right beside him. It took Willy a couple of wrong turns down the complicated hallway system before he finally reached a point where he could hear the chatter of partygoers.
Somewhere along the line, he had lost the guard, but he figured he didn’t have a whole lot of time to doddle around. Inching his way to the end of the hallway, he glanced out at the ballroom. In front of him lay the large buffet table and beyond that were the people, chatting with each other happily.
Grinning, Willy stepped out of the hallway and into the ballroom. He was just starting to stroll along the table of delectable looking food when someone shouted, “Hey you, stop!”
Willy briefly looked up to see the guard that Fiore had forced to the ground was now standing at the front of the room. Everyone stilled and turned their attention to the two men. For a moment, there was utter silence until the guard rushed Willy and he was forced to flee around the groups of people.
As he went, he noticed more and more guards were appearing out of various hallways. A few partygoers screamed, a couple ran from the room, but most remained rooted to the spot in either fear or curiosity.
That was until a loud pop and a flash of light erupted in the middle of the room. Willy immediately recognized it as a firepopper, the same type of thing he’d used in the tunnels to fight the villagers. Suddenly everything was thrown into chaos.
People were running everywhere, stampeding to get to the nearest exits. The guards were lost in the flow of the crowd.
“Nicely done Will.”
Willy whirled around to find Sorren had suddenly appeared at his left side.
“I guess that’s what ‘ye wanted then?” Willy said, the happiness and elation clear in his voice. "And 'ya took one of those Firepoppers I had didn't you?"
Sorren only gave a nod as his eyes traveled to the left side of the room. There, Willy saw one person, who had not moved an inch from his spot. Instead, his green eyes were boring into theirs. His mouth was twisted up in a wicked smile, but he did not look happy in the least.
“Is that...?”
Willy’s voice was no more than a whisper, but Sorren heard him clearly even over the still-screaming crowd. “Yes. That’s him.”
A/N~ Firstly I'll say that editing is a bit rough. Sorry about that. I wanted to get this done before class today because I've made everyone wait way too long already.
Secondly, I wrote the scenery for the castle based on what I've seen of Japanese castles and the gardens surrounding them. The paths of the gardens can indeed be quite a maze, and there's all sorts of interesting things in those gardens - creeks, ponds with the stepping stones, and a wide variety of plants. Randomly guessed at the actual appearance of the castle, so I'll go back and edit it when we have more info on that.
Finally, we get to some action right? For a little while, I debated about stopping the chapter where Sorren just realizes that the person he saw is Zar, but I decided I'd be gypping you too much by doing that, so I went ahead and tossed a bit more action in.
The next chapter should pretty much be all action and will be my last full chapter. I may or may not add and Epilogue, we'll see. As always, I hope you enjoy it. ^^
Edit: I just realized the fact that Willy is left handed. I will be going back and correcting this at some point in time in the previous chapters as I'm quite sure I described the sword in his right hand when it should be in his left. My apologies. ^^"