Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby SilentObserver » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:17 pm

    I'm rooting for you :00
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Elizabeth Wolfbaine

Postby SilentObserver » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:18 pm

The one to the left is Liz
Sword form
name: Elizabeth Wolfbaine
age: 19
gender: Female
personality: She's stubborn and isn't afraid to start a fight. She likes to read (secretly) and also loves to listen to others problems. Even though she seems like she could care less.
how you died: Went into a coma from being in a car accident and was taken off of what was keeping her alive.
rank: Weapon
hierarchy: Council Weapon
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend Has a crush on Hebi
other?: this is a temporary form
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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby Bast » Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:23 pm

the only pinup sketch I've done of him. XD
(Google image)
name: Sekigetsu Ichimaru
age: 29 but looks 24
gender: M
personality: Most would perceive him as boring and lazy but since receiving serious injury it's been more notable how much he actually moves about. He dislikes being stuck in one place for an extended period of time, as soon as he was able to move he did so.
how you died: He lived in a family who was dead set on tradition. Being the only child of the head family other relatives disapproved of his way of thinking. A few got togeather and plotted his demise that ended in excruciating poisoning.
rank: Red Amazon Tree Boa Ori
hierarchy: Detective (belive it or not xD)
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: Likes Liz

Another pinup. XD luckily I'm not comfortable with nsfw yet.
Dagger Form
name: Laurence Kanne
age: 22
gender: M
personality: Can be sarcastic and is strong willed but will obey his master's command. Used to be very adultly active but with reason is very loyal.
how you died: Hasn't died yet but soon enough will. Originally from Tamaryah, him and the other foreign weapons were deemed criminals and rendered "dead" in records after private executions; that was merely a hefty cover for the Ashen King's desire for new "toys". Being a philiac made him quite desireable. Now that they and Sylas are quite tired of the game they're setting up the mate.
rank: Weapon: Dagger(s)
hierarchy: Not sure if he will end up a Familiar or Council Weapon.
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: Currently with Joycelyn
-3- everyone has secrets

Doesn't have ref pics yet.
name: Doniku Marigold
age: 21
gender: Unic
personality: Extremely guarded, cynical, and judgemental. Doniku prefers to be addressed as feminine. Has a high fashion sense and refuses to look at something for too long if she thinks it's ugly. Unlike Laurence who dabbles in lust, Doniku's major sin is envy. Her jealousy is pretty astonishing actually.
how you died: Background is much like Luster's only with much more traumatizing and disturbing bits that I'm gonna leave out for reader's sake.
rank: Weapon: Linked Needle Folding Fans
hierarchy: Will become a council weapon eventually.
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A
other?: Will likely be a minor character later

I'll make the others later.
(Plushy art by Cerestes.
Click Deemo to go to her shop!)

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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby SilentObserver » Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:29 pm

    I shall work on character forms tonight lmao
    and maybe some art idk
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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby SilentObserver » Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:47 pm

name: Morgan Arthur
age: 25
gender: Male
personality: He lacks a lot of emotion, but does smile often. He has trouble with experiencing emotions (much like Caylee has a hard time experiencing love), but is seeing a counselor about it. Minus not being able to express himself properly, he writes to express what he feels.
how you died: WIP
rank: Costa's hummingbird ori
hierarchy: --
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A
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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby Bast » Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:14 am

Ryuuk using 3 swords.
(I found a perfect reference so his ferral ref will change slightly.)
name: Darui Takohitsuji / Ryuuk Akuma
age: 20
gender: M
personality: Schizophrenic. Darui is innocent and childish while Ryuuk is the skeptic adult and cold blooded killer.
how you died: Was buried alive. A building he was in collapsed during an earthquake.
rank: Tamaryahn Range Sleipnir Ori
hierarchy: Detective! OwO But he only listens to Winter n Hebi. Sometimes he'll listen to Sy.
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: Is with Winter
other?: He calls the beast Draghma

Prefers tabby kitten form.
name: Garfield
age: ???
gender: M
personality: Is picky on who touches him.
how you died: Garfield is an Oblivion Shu, a spicies that chooses one organism class as their form, like Orons, and prey on other creatures. His is felines.
rank: Feline Oron Companion
hierarchy: (optional) N/A
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A
(Plushy art by Cerestes.
Click Deemo to go to her shop!)

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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby SilentObserver » Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:11 am

(Mizuki from Kamisama kiss)
name: Gier Wolfbaine
age: 16
gender: Male
personality: Gier's name describes him perfectly. Gier comes from German origin and means greedy. Gier is greedy and a bit selfish. However, he doesn't get too carried away. But he does like to keep what he has claimed.
how you died: He was sent away to boot camp and eventually managed to starve himself due to unhappiness. This is mainly why Liz and Joyce never speak of him.
rank: Albino Serpent Ori
hierarchy: Detective
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A
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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby Bast » Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:57 pm

In Lab Coat
Pinup just cuz.
name: Sylas Azil
age: lets say he looks 30
gender: M
personality: Serious but can also be sarcastic and cynical. Truthfully all he cares about is his work.
how you died: He's not dead. Lol.
rank: Demon?
hierarchy: (optional) Scientist
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A

The only pic I have of him.
name: Hector Horton
age: 19
gender: M
personality: A jerk. He's learning to care a bit but no one should know or care anyway.
how you died: Got shot by the dad of one of his prank victims. :roll:
rank: umm.... Oron? Warlock?? Not sure what he falls under since he uses curse magic.
hierarchy: (optional) N/A
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A (yet. >w>)
other?: He's a jerk. Lol. His original shifting animal is a black great horned owl.

(From SoulEater)
name: Mayu
age: ??
gender: M
personality: Sassy and a prankster.
how you died: He's just a tiny oblivion devil that likes to misguide and cheat. He's literally like a foot tall with tiny wings that let him float around.
rank: Devil Companion
hierarchy: (optional) N/A
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A
other?: Hex calls him Mushu. Lol.
(Plushy art by Cerestes.
Click Deemo to go to her shop!)

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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby SilentObserver » Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:02 pm

    Will add to the front momentarily
    or after i go to the griffin's game

    Probably tomorrow, I don't know. But it'll get there.

    Also, I might be killing off some characters? Because I'm evil. I haven't decided who, but I will get there (._. )
    maybe i won't kill any off
    maybe just have them go somewhere else


    I'm all over the place at the moment lmao . . .

    i don't think I'll be picking on Caylee any time soon

    Caylee: Thank God


    Caylee: ;_;

    But y'know
    maybe Liz or Joyce will be next
    Gier can cause something I suppose

    Gier: C:

    Joyce: <-< I'll get Luster to hurt you

    Gier: Sure, like that'll happen

    Liz: =-= I'll tell Daichi

    Gier: ouo'' let's not get irrational

    Daichi: -_- Gier

    Gier: HEGBGE

    Daichi: Don't mess with your sisters -_-... *poof*

    Gier: Got it uwu''... *slithers over to Caylee* Let's see how long you'll wanna stay with Grey

    Caylee: >_>

    Gier: <u<
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Re: Spiritual Realm~Forms/Discussion Thread

Postby LuciDaCake » Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:48 pm

His face, made for me by senpai
Google image...
Name: Vincent Swan
age: 19
gender: Male
personality: Bubbly, has calmed over years, hard to tell when serious or joking.
how you died: Heart attack (Died at 17)
rank: Sorcerer/Druid Ori
hierarchy: Party planner/hit man (Rarely)
crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: None yet (Hasn't been around in a long time
other?: He looks down to earth (Ha ha druid pun) Rarely frowns. And yes he knows arcane and nature magic... Typically wears a green overshirt, black pants, a white undershirt, a brown cloak, and has his hair slicked down.
Last edited by LuciDaCake on Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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