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Who are Hubris and Ancient of the Wilds?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:16 pm
by Bye :(
Who are Hubris and Ancient of the Wilds? Are they pets?

Re: Who are Hubris and Ancient of the Wilds?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:43 pm
by Archer
Hubris and the Ancient of Wilds are not pets, they are NPCs (Non-Player Characters). Since Eldemore is a lore-based site, the events include storylines and characters that players can interact with, and Hubris and the Ancient of the Wilds are two characters that are a part of the lore! Right now, events only contain the basic features because the site is currently being reworked by the admins, which you can read about here.

From the Traveler's Guide to Eldemore Terms and Phrases by Silverhart:

Hubris - the giant black dire wolf venerated by some Wolfkin, called “Ancient Slayer” in the wolfkin language and whom many believe they are descended from

Ancient of Wilds – patron ancient of the wolfkin race, who preaches temperance over one's primal nature

We met Hubris during the Darak'i event, in fact. If you wish to see what occurred during that event you can check out the Event Cutscenes thread here where all the events have been archived! The Darak'i event posts start right here, and here is an image of Hubris!

There is also a Lore thread here, written by Benathorn (she is the mastermind behind all things Eldemore!), that contains tons of info about the world of Eldemore!