Looking for wishlist pets
Most WL are pets I missed. Might as well try to complete the collection while waiting for eldemore to come back to life.Im not looking for any hoards atm. Can also do artwork too, Be fair
Only take 1 pet of each on your WL. If I see you attempt taking multiple of one specific pet in the trade (ex - 2 memories anciets) Im declining it. do not take more than 1 variant.. so NO HOARDS.
Looking to complete my Wishlist
All missed pets are on my wishlist. am looking for all of them. Am not looking for hoard. The collections I listed are just goals I want to complete one day if there is a chance. I am not big on trying to completed listed collections. JUST hoping to get most common-uncommon pets on wl!
- ancients
collections I'm hoping to complete but will for sure to be a challenge::
If you see a pet in a locked group or pets outsite of doubles dont be afraid to ask about them, as long as theres a double in the group. I tried my best to get all the doubles.