Dragonstars wrote:How do you get one,Sorry if this isn't what I'm suppose to talk about on tgis but how do I get one?
KisaWolfz wrote:Unfortunately Elkrin and Rune dragons customs are exclusive to the past CS users who won them back when Eldemore wasn't a site. Now since Eldemore is its own site, the pets from CS are being crossed over here to be made into their customs.
If you are looking for a custom, you should watch each month on the raffle pets, as they are custom designs and are exclusive to only one in existence. Goodluck~
KittyCatKita wrote:I don't have a lot of time for this site anymore due to real life,
but feel free to send trades. It may just take me a
while to get back to you (months realistically so
please be patient). I recently disbanded my
complete collection, so there's lots for trade!
Anything in my locked groups are being kept
since they are my favourites <3
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