The G1 Jaders
These are Jaders that are generation 1 that I own:

Title: Golden Royal
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat Type: Feral: Golden Tiger (Rare)
Special Traits: Ribbon Tail (Very Rare)
Eyes: Purple (Rare)
History: Born to a family of jaders she doesn't remember Lani was rehomed to folks who only desired to breed her for her rare traits. As a puppy she got bored being stuck in a backyard as a future money making jader. She then decided to break out and run away. the only thing she keeps about her past is her name: Lani. She is now a stray wandering the streets getting into mischief and adventures.
Personality: Bossy, selfish, and demanding define Lani as much as loyal and kind in some odd ways. She's always getting into trouble with her not well thought out schemes. she's a stray who likes to live in a certain neighborhood. not a fan of humans but loves to hang out with her friends Bean and Rigel. She has 4 lovely children (currently) all that she had given to good homes. Clifford however has remained by her side as he refuses to leave his mom~
Pairings/Planned breedings:
1. FauveXLani (Wild Royals): COMPLETED; Their Pups~
2. PeachXLani: PENDING
Cooldown Until: NONE
Bonded To: LUMIERE

Name: Lumiere (Lumi) [Deep Glow]
Gender: Male
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat Type: Mythical: Deep Glow (Very Rare)
Special Traits: Eye Flames (Very Rare)
Tail: Silky Waves (Very Rare)
Eyes: Blue Flame Glow (Very Rare)
Imperial Blood: Gold (Very Rare)
History: Lumiere was born a gorgeous rare looking jader. none like him have ever been seen. He was bought by a pair of humans and their rambunctious kids. All of whom are often in town with lessons and board there for school Lumiere lives on the large expansive cliffside mansion party right next to the ocean in which he loves to swim into. He has memories of a tiger striped jader who helped him feel less lonely. He hopes to one day reunite <3
Ah Lumiere, he's a jader from a rather well-off family that lives on an ocean cliff. He was raised in this area and love to swim. His appearence is alluring yet somewhat scary to humans. He is a jader of tastes. and is a bit of a snob. Add to this that he has a brash and blunt personality and well...Lumiere does not have much friends. His family and those whom he holds dear are allowed to call him "Lumi" for short. but anyone else? lumiere will do. he's not much of a fighter nor does he plan to...fights are...not for him. He is very obedient with his owners...when he wants to be. But Lumiere does what Lumiere wants. It's honestly a mystery how many could like him. maybe it's his looks. Or maybe if you look deep into those burning eyes you'll see the depth of him and know he's more than looks, wits, and a sharp tongue. though not many ever care to find out. he is "just" a pretty jader after all.
Pairings/Planned breedings:
1. Fenlumi pups- COMPLETED
3. LanixLumi Pups
Cooldown Until: NONE

Nickname: Jack of trades
Title: Tiny Tim
Ears: Uncropped (Uncommon)
Coat Type: Domestic: Chocolate Lab (Common)
Special Traits: N/A
Tail Type: Standard (Common)
Eyes: Light Brown (Common)
History: Tim was found as a small little runt bean by Beans. Beans therefore clearly thought this brown little bean must be her child and as thus he was raised by Beans. Tim willingly begged to join among Lani's ranks. So she diligently gives him all the odd-jobs fixing things, helping their people find homes, food, and water. Yup. Scary doggo is Tim. He's known as Jack of Trades and is well loved even by those who aren't too fond of Lani's growing power.
Personality: Tim is rather young, naive, and is very happy go lucky. He gets along well with most people and has a knack for solving random problems. He's learned how to do a bunch of things because of the constant random jobs assigned to him. He takes pride in all his work and is a bit disillusioned into seeing himself as some sort of big mean mafia dog... i mean...hard to tell someone no when they are so happy about it.
Pairings/Planned breedings:
1. Chocolate Stars - Asteria Breeding
2. Pirate' Booty- Faroe Breeding
3. Cannibal Labs- Kama Breeding
Cooldown: NONE

Nickname: Literal Catdoggo
Ears: Uncropped (Uncommon)
Coat Type: Domestic: German Shorthaired Pointer (Common)
Special Traits: N/A
Tail Type: Docked (Mutation)
Eyes: Dark Brown (Common)
History: Found as a little jader bean she has been adopted by a colony of pygmy Servals. Fantasy has been raised by the Pygmy Servals colony in the town Lani is rising to power in. She's a bit of an odd jader and has many rather feline habits from her "parents." She towers over her family and it's a hilarious sight to see for many folks but Fantasy is spending most of her time growing up protecting her family from bigger enemies. which is well...a lot of things
Personality: Fantasy is kind and caring but has picked up that serval attitude. She is not one to deal with very much funny business and spends most of her days sneering at those who she see's as idiotic. Her condescending nature means it's hard for her to find very many friends and it's not easy for her to find jader friends because of her tendacies to try and hiss instead of snarl bark or even howl....oh the things being raised by pygmy servals will do.
Pairings/Planned breedings: Fantasy is part of a 4 way poly-breeding
1. FantasyxTyrian
2. FantasyXAlcina
3. FantasyxAconite
Bonded to: Tyrian, Alcina, Aconite
Jasmine: The Ace
Gender: Male
Ears: Lynx (Very Rare)
Coat type: Mythical: Jasmine Splash (Very Rare)
Special Traits: Tufted Ridge-back
Tail: Layered Long (Very Rare)
Eyes: Orchid Glow (Very Rare)
Imperial Blood: Pastel Purple (Very Rare)
History: Jasmine was with some humans for a while, at least from when he was a puppy. They trained him to be a top attack dog for unwanted folks. This training made him active and fit. A lot of his warped personality came from witnessing many gruesome scenes from the humans that raised him. Eventually Jasmine came across a small glasswork who agreed to help him escape the kennel he was in for “being friends forever.” Jasmine tried to lose this Glasswork as soon as he got out but the glasswork was persistent. They eventually left together. During their explorations his friend got sick, built him a custom tail bracelet as a goodbye and passed on. Jasmine then went on to explore alone and when he put on the bracelet found that his friends spirit has haunted it. Now Jasmine deals with his “jimminy cricket” haunted bracelet that constantly bothers him when he makes any...inappropriate or bad choices which is very very often. Eventually his little path of mayhem led him to Lani. He eventually began working underneath her and has yet to leave.
Personality: Jasmine is a “Basilisk in suit’ kind of a jader. He’s sleazy, well mannered, and has no qualms with killing or other dirty jobs. He isn’t one for affection or hugs. He finds fun in causing trouble for others and joy in misfortune and when he gets bored he tends to rile folks up just to see what would happen. Jasmine isn’t a good guy though he may seem very pretty and even kind he really isn’t. He also absolutely cannot stand the shortening “jazz” as he doesn’t want to be referred to as a genre. There really isn’t any positive attributes to this guy one would wonder how he could ever find anyone willing to have children with him. But he’s a looker so someone is bound to fall for him. He might bear plenty of children someday too. They’ll be gorgeous but godspeed to them as who knows what kind of father Jasmine would be. Even he couldn’t tell you. To those who end up breeding him?’s a shame really.
1. Ty’s Sirius
2. Hope's Velvet
Cooldown: None

Name: Noire: The Scholar
Gender: Female
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat type: Domesticated: Feline Lykoi (Uncommon)
Eyes: Dark Green (Common)
History: Noire grew up in a home that wanted to begin a breeding program based on her jader mutation that gives her a rather odd look with balding spots on her face paws and a bit on her tail. While still looking elegant and beautiful these balding spots along with her eyes give her a very odd look. Noire is quite happy living in her home and is good friends with Rigel who is a next-door neighbor to her owner. She has very little interest in being used as a breeding jader though she'd love to have pups she wants them on her own terms. Most of her life is rather bland and she loves to hear Rigels tales from his outtings. Noire would join him but she much prefers the comforts of her couch to the danger Rigel is attracted to.
Personality: Noire is a jader of quiet elegance. When she walks by she almost seems to walk upon air as there is little slow in her movement. Her eyes are a deep green that is filled with curiosity studying everything around her as her ears and nose twitch to try and take in everything. She loves to learn and explore to see new things and meet new people. She's not known for talking a lot but she is known for her sarcasm and quips.
Cooldown: None

Tyrian "the tyrant"
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat Type: Domestic: Purple Betta (Common)
Special Traits: N/A
Tail Type: Silky Waves (Very Rare)
Eyes: Teal (Rare)
History: Raised by beans and trained by jasmine has given Tyrian a glimpse at both sides. While being raised by his adoptive mother he was given love, attention, and structure yet for reasons unknown he found himself drawn to the darker parts of town. When he met jasmine he knew that he wished to be trained by this skilled and deadly jader. Slowly, but surely, he drifted away from his mother to jasmine who was all to happy to train him. Though concerned Beans knew he had to learn. Once training Tyrian quickly learned of the more dark sides of his aunt Lani and decided that he too wished to someday rule but he knew neither his grandma amara nor aunt lani would simply hand over their empires to him. He hopes to take the reigns someday whatever it takes.
Personality: Tyrian is pragmatic, dogmatic, and all about being the boss. Despite his loving mother and good kind family he's somehow found himself unhappy of where he stands. Tyrian feels that he should be th top and that he is the top he may have gotten some of this personality from Jasmine his mentor. Regardless of this Tyrian is shrewd when it comes to making tough decisions he has no issues choosing the easier path. Despite this he does have a soft-spot for those he holds dear. His mother whom he always play the sweet child, and his partners fantasy, TBD, and TBD.
Breedings: *Tyrian is part of a four-way poly breeding
1. TyrianxFantasy
2. TyrianXAconite
3. TyrianXAlcina
Cooldown: December 8th
Bonded: Fantasy, Alcina, and Aconite

Nickname: Ponzi, Nim, and the dreaded Nums
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat Type: Feral: Faded Tiger (Rare)
Special Traits: N/A
Tail Type: Plumed (Rare)
Eyes: Pale Yellow/Blue (Rare)
History: Nimbus was adopted by Lani who for reasons unknown to others demanded the child would be raised by her. As Nim grew his soft grayness became the tiger jader you see today and Lani always grins victoriously. Nimhas had a bit of an odd childhood he does have a bit of a streetlife in him and because of this hehungers forthe life of luxury and tends to use whatever methods necessary.
Personality: Nimbus is a cunning jader who mimic's Jasmine to become the most Couth looking jader around. He walks around as if he is royalty and belongs everywhere. This confidence and acting has gotten him in and out of many situations without ever being caught. He is resourceful and smart. His one weakness is that he can never say no to his mother nor to a pretty face (Like rouge) he's known to lavish those he loves with expensive gifts to express how he feels. However despite all of this overall Nim is a narcasist and will forever believe he deserves the best.
Breeding: *This Jader is Bonded.
1. Hope's Rouge
2. Hope's Rouge
3. Hope's Rouge
Bonded: To Rouge
Cooldown: 01-05-18
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat Type: Domestic: Black Caramel Apple (Seasonal)
Special Traits: N/A
Tail Type: Standard Tail (Common)
Eyes: Sour Apple Green (Seasonal)
History: Raised by chillawigs in the forest he has an older brother named Malus. He loves his brother to pieces and will do anything for him. He really looks up to him. He's had a bit of a hard life but has learned to manipulate to get his way. If he can't get it that way he will resort to violence.
Personality: Sly, cunning, narcissist. He loves himself and his brother and has a soft spot for chillawigs. He loves to flirt with people and lives for flings. He's very unpredictable and is prone to violent outbursts.
Breeding: *This jader is bonded and part of a four way poly-breeding
1. Alcina?
2. Tyrian
3. Fantasy
Bonded: Fantasy, Tyrian, and Alcina
COOLDOWN: January 26th
Gender: Male
Ears: Cropped (Common)
Coat Type: Mythical: Thunderbird (Very Rare)
Special Traits: Feral Tuft: Feathers
Special Traits: Spark Fringe
Special Traits: Two Tails
Tail: Raptor (Rare)
Eyes: Electric Blue and Red Gold Glow (Very Rare)
Imperial Blood: Electric Blue (Very Rare)
History: Sir was once belonging to humans but one day he grew angry and lightning exuded from his form as his barks became loud and thunderous. After that they turned him loose chasing him off. All he was able to have left was this large pink squeaky toy. He keeps this toy close as he wanders the wilds bringing storms with his moods and sometimes leaving destruction in his wake. Those who pet him without permission find themselves paralyzed from his electric form. But if he cares for you than no harm shall befall you if you choose to hug or touch him. might he hasn't quite gotten control down to 100 percent yet. He's working on it. Overall, He prefers to spend his days upon the mountains peering down at the life below or bringing rain during the seasons to help crops grow. One day he comes across anotehr jader named Lani she just might change his life...if he agrees to help her.
Personality: Sir is a rather kind gentle person but he prefers solitude to dealing with people. His powers make him feel ostracised and his abandonment in youth made him feel unloved.
Gender: Male
Ears: Dire Wolf (Very Rare)
Coat Type: Feral: White Dire (Rare)
Special Traits: Dire Hybrid (Very Rare)
Special Traits: Sabre Fangs (Mutation)
Tail: Plumed (Rare)
Eyes: Heterochromia - Gold/Blue (Very Rare
History: Ping Pong was bought by a very kind couple from a jader breeder. They had always wanted a dire but didnt want to deal with the wild so felt that getting a hybrid would be best. What they found was a rather wild rambunctious fluffball that terrorized the house. It was difficult to train him to go potty outside and how to use a leash after 6 months of repetitive attempts they gave up on giving him manners which as he got older only got worse. Now he's a large poorly trained energetic dog who loves people and is unaware of his size, strength, and overall dire-heritage. But he's a good boy. Really.
Personality: Kind, loving, eager to please define him well. however he can be really oblivious to things and will try and force what he wants onto people. He doesn't mean this in an ill-manner he just doesn't understand "No" very well. His lack of boundries growing up gave him little understanding of how interactions should happen so he's gotten attacked by other species quite a few times. Once when he was young and tried to hump a dire-wolf.....he's always getting into trouble even if he doesn't mean it.