A warning will be issued for first offenses. If you break too many rules or commit a serious offense, you will be suspended/banned.
-Be respectful to others. We will not tolerate any bullying or abusive behavior of any kind. Do NOT start discussions focusing or even hinting at another member. It is not ok to call someone out. If you have an issue with someone take it to PM. Report rude comments or bullying.
-There is a difference between having an opinion and just being plain rude. Official artists work very hard to provide pets for this site that you can adopt for free. Please keep that in mind when discussing designs. This also includes forum conduct. Having an opinion does not mean you can say whatever you like without consequences.
-Multiple accounts are not permitted. Only one account per person. Anyone found abusing this rule will be immediately banned and their creatures taken from them. You do not need to alert us of multiple members using your computer or IP address. It is obvious if you are cheating.
Do not abuse off-site trading. We do allow members to trade off-site. This means that active Eldemore members may trade pets from this site for pets/items from other sites. Do not make an account on here with the sole purpose of using monthly pets as off-site trade fodder. And do not, under any circumstance, trade between sites that forbid off-site trading. We will ban you and alert the other site. Further clarification of this rule can be found here.
**This includes any form of account exploitation. Example: You cannot ask members from other sites, for any reason, to join just to give you all of their pets. This is a form of cheating and not allowed.
- Bribing/Promising pets in exchange for referrals or joining other sites is not allowed. Members are more than welcome to advertise, introduce or talk about other sites in the 'Other Websites' forum. However, we do not condone the exchange of site pets as a promise or incentive to join another website simply to garner personal gain or multiple referrals.
-Sharing an account is not permitted. One person to one account. This is in place as a level of protection for you, your collection and your account details. Do not share your account information with anyone no matter how trustworthy you believe they are.
-Do not spam the forums. Keep all information pertaining to the focused topic of each thread. Anyone who spams the site with advertisements will face an immediate ban. Bumping threads is allowed but only once a day or when the topic leaves the front page. Do not type in all capital letters as it is considered 'yelling'.
-Do not use profanity anywhere besides the RP's. Though we do allow users to swear in their posts while roleplaying in character to a degree, we do not allow anyone to curse at another user or use curse words on other threads. Eldemore is a teen rated site, so please keep in mind that we keep a more adult atmosphere while also remaining civil.
-Do not post offensive, explicit, gory or controversial images/stories/text anywhere on this site. This includes signatures, links and private messaging. DO NOT EVER ask for or show explicit photos of any kind. Pornographic content is not allowed on Eldemore and will earn you an immediate ban.
-Neither giving or requesting personal information is allowed. Sharing of an email address is ok, but beware of it being spammed. Never post an email address on the forums, as they are publicly visible to anyone with an internet connection. Only send them via private message to other users. Personal info that should never be shared includes (but is not limited to):
- Your real name
- Address or physical location
- Phone number
- What school you attend
- Where you work
- Anything that personally identifies you or someone else (this includes pictures)
- and any info that you wouldn't want everyone in the world knowing.
As far as your location, remember to use common sense on the internet. Saying you're at the grocery store (or even Walmart) isn't a big deal. Saying you're at Walmart in Albany, New York is bad. This rule is for user's safety, because anyone on the internet can see these forums. We generally draw the boundary of how much location you should give out at "region in a country".
Say: I'm from the central United States,
Instead of: I'm from Boise, Idaho.
We consider saying what state/province you're from to be borderline. If you do state this, certainly do not say anything else about yourself. And if anyone ever pressures you to give out any such information, report them immediately!
-Do not modify, copy or redistribute any Eldemore official artwork in any way. This includes creating your own designs for characters of our species or taking site images and claiming them as your own/ modifying as your own. We have plenty of pets here for you to enjoy and use for character building, and would like to avoid new designs being made by members using species unique to Eldemore, so that there is no conflict with designs at a later time.
-Blacklisting and calling someone out on the forums is not allowed. Report an issue you may have with another member and let a moderator or administrator handle the situation. This also includes talking down about other sites or members from other sites.
-Never give your password out to anyone. Report any members that request your password or other site information.
-You cannot reserve usernames. If you change your username you do so at the risk of someone else taking it.
[NEW]- You cannot claim site NPC names as your own username. This means changing your username for the sole purpose to act and impersonate one of our site's NPC characters is not permitted. This rule has been added due to users doing this as of late and sometimes abusing NPC names in order to siphon trades based on their popularity and familiarity.
Do not do this, if you are found changing your username for this purpose, or simply to act as one of our site characters, you will be given a warning against your account and asked to change it back to your original username.
Last updated February 15th, 2016
*We reserve the right to update the rules at any time. An announcement will be made if a large update is required. Please note that the Terms of Use are also included with our rules. Please take the time to read them if you haven't already.