Sany wrote:God's Princess wrote:I have question regarding the archivist position. When it says, "You must be knowledgeable in the site's lore, pets, and layout, but most of all, current pet outcomes and growths, which is the meat and potatoes of this position," does this mean that I have to know the whole backstory of the sealer?
I have only been on the site since the Spring Event of 2016 so my knowledge of the sealer's story is limited. Will this affect my chances of being chosen as Archivist?
I think the most important part is knowing what pet is what. Should a newbie ask you about some outcome, that you'd be able to know what species it is, that you can explain what a pygmy is.
Though it's always great to know some background on the whole lore! There's a thread with all the cutscenes of the events here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10578
That's a great way to get up to speed with the story if you're interested
(also this comment should be backed up by staff/Bena ^-^)
Sanys statement is completely right. You need to know the basic pet lore and be able to identify a liger as liger and an elkrin as elkrin etc.
What I can tell from being the "backup archivist" it's most important that you know about the pets itself, and not the sealers story.

(sorry for typos, I was on mobile)