Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Zayin » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:27 am

Aquasplash ~ wrote:There's a glitch that's been around for ages, which is pets jumping pages randomly while trying to trade or look at your wishlist. Basically pets that were on a page will be on the next page when you move to it, and then if you go back to the first page different pets are there. I don't know if this has been brought up before or will be fixed with the site update, but I thought I'd mention it since I've been noticing it a lot the past week or so. It's especially bad when you try to sort by rarity when looking at what someone else has in a trade. It doesn't seem to do it when you sort by age. Thank you for your time <3

Pretty sure I've heard of this complaint before. I know I've looked into it before, but I think I was unable to reproduce it. Probably some weird behavior with the paging, but it will surely be fixed with the new site.

If either of you can find a way to reliably reproduce the issue, I could probably (maybe) fix it easily.

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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Aquasplash ~ » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:32 am

Zayin wrote:
Aquasplash ~ wrote:There's a glitch that's been around for ages, which is pets jumping pages randomly while trying to trade or look at your wishlist. Basically pets that were on a page will be on the next page when you move to it, and then if you go back to the first page different pets are there. I don't know if this has been brought up before or will be fixed with the site update, but I thought I'd mention it since I've been noticing it a lot the past week or so. It's especially bad when you try to sort by rarity when looking at what someone else has in a trade. It doesn't seem to do it when you sort by age. Thank you for your time <3

Pretty sure I've heard of this complaint before. I know I've looked into it before, but I think I was unable to reproduce it. Probably some weird behavior with the paging, but it will surely be fixed with the new site.

If either of you can find a way to reliably reproduce the issue, I could probably (maybe) fix it easily.

Maybe it's to do with browser? I'm using desktop Firefox and mobile Chrome and get the issue a lot. I get it pretty much every time I go into someone's trades and they have several pages on my wishlist or hoard list, and I try to sort those pets by rarity [although not so far with age, species or name]. It helps if you select one, because then you can tell it's the same one. :)

Edit: oops, mixed up my browsers.
Last edited by Aquasplash ~ on Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have hundreds of bazaar pets and ultra rares/legendaries, and over a thousand rares for trade! I'm looking for Chicken Smoothie pets or C$, or Flight Rising gems or treasure. Send me a trade, or check out my trading thread HERE for more details!
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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Startedraining » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:50 pm

Zayin wrote:
Aquasplash ~ wrote:There's a glitch that's been around for ages, which is pets jumping pages randomly while trying to trade or look at your wishlist. Basically pets that were on a page will be on the next page when you move to it, and then if you go back to the first page different pets are there. I don't know if this has been brought up before or will be fixed with the site update, but I thought I'd mention it since I've been noticing it a lot the past week or so. It's especially bad when you try to sort by rarity when looking at what someone else has in a trade. It doesn't seem to do it when you sort by age. Thank you for your time <3

Pretty sure I've heard of this complaint before. I know I've looked into it before, but I think I was unable to reproduce it. Probably some weird behavior with the paging, but it will surely be fixed with the new site.

If either of you can find a way to reliably reproduce the issue, I could probably (maybe) fix it easily.

I'm using the firefox browser on desktop and i have chrome on mobile.
I've been experimenting with it so here's my replication notes:

-happens often after sorting pets by something other than default (age) on Chrome.
-happens MOST often when looking at wishlist or hoard list tabs instead of the trade group themselves on Firefox and Chrome mobile
-happens sometimes during large trades/adding a lot of pets from a trading group, not hoard or wishlist auto-generated groups.

I used Aquasplash's trades to test all of these on mobile and on my laptop. I hope that helps :S



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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Coyote » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:05 pm

Startedraining wrote:
Zayin wrote:
Aquasplash ~ wrote:There's a glitch that's been around for ages, which is pets jumping pages randomly while trying to trade or look at your wishlist. Basically pets that were on a page will be on the next page when you move to it, and then if you go back to the first page different pets are there. I don't know if this has been brought up before or will be fixed with the site update, but I thought I'd mention it since I've been noticing it a lot the past week or so. It's especially bad when you try to sort by rarity when looking at what someone else has in a trade. It doesn't seem to do it when you sort by age. Thank you for your time <3

Pretty sure I've heard of this complaint before. I know I've looked into it before, but I think I was unable to reproduce it. Probably some weird behavior with the paging, but it will surely be fixed with the new site.

If either of you can find a way to reliably reproduce the issue, I could probably (maybe) fix it easily.

I'm using the firefox browser on desktop and i have chrome on mobile.
I've been experimenting with it so here's my replication notes:

-happens often after sorting pets by something other than default (age) on Chrome.
-happens MOST often when looking at wishlist or hoard list tabs instead of the trade group themselves on Firefox and Chrome mobile
-happens sometimes during large trades/adding a lot of pets from a trading group, not hoard or wishlist auto-generated groups.

I used Aquasplash's trades to test all of these on mobile and on my laptop. I hope that helps :S

    I felt like I should add that I've also been experiencing this, but only under a specific circumstance.
    Pets will only "jump pages" when their date of adoption is very close (Same day, similar times. Possibly always with pets adopted in the same "bundle"?) to those of the pets directly following them on the other page. So, if there are enough of the same pets adopted on the same day that they "spill over" to the next page, I often see them appearing in random order, as I click between two pages, the pets on page "1" and "2" will always be a seemingly random selection of those adopted on the same day. If I can click back and forth between pages enough, I'll eventually see them all, but the order will be different every time.
    Hope that helps narrow down what could be going on. If it would be helpful, I can try to replicate this and post screenshots.

    Edit to add that when looking in the archives at wishlist/hoard list pets, pets of the same litter that "spill over" will also appear in a random order between the two pages, despite not having an adoption date.



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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Aquasplash ~ » Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:27 am

Whenever I try to get to anyone's profile I get this text
"General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Got error 28 from storage engine [1030]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster:"
I don't know where the best place to post this is so I figured I'd try putting it here :D
I have hundreds of bazaar pets and ultra rares/legendaries, and over a thousand rares for trade! I'm looking for Chicken Smoothie pets or C$, or Flight Rising gems or treasure. Send me a trade, or check out my trading thread HERE for more details!
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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Aquasplash ~ » Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:29 am

Whenever I try to get to anyone's profile I get this text
"General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Got error 28 from storage engine [1030]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster:"
I don't know where the best place to post this is so I figured I'd try putting it here :D
I have hundreds of bazaar pets and ultra rares/legendaries, and over a thousand rares for trade! I'm looking for Chicken Smoothie pets or C$, or Flight Rising gems or treasure. Send me a trade, or check out my trading thread HERE for more details!
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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Lost nightingale » Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:34 pm

I've changed my password not long ago, and I can't send, receive or view any trades or messages. I was wondering if this is normal or just a glitch. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Report Glitches and Errors Vol 2

Postby Astarion » Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:11 pm

I keep getting a SQL error when attempting to change my signature

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9D\x92\xB4\xF0\x9D...' for column 'user_sig' at row 1 [1366]

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