If you are experiencing any problems, feel free to report them here. I would like all bugs to be reported in this topic as opposed to having new topics be created. This helps me to better keep track of them all. If you see that three or more people have posted about the same problem that you are having, please do not post or quote them until I have stated that I fixed the problem. If multiple users (at least 3) are experiencing the same problem you are, then it is obviously a widespread issue, and I already know about it.
The site is still a work in progress, so we thank you for your patience while we are still getting things together around here.
When you post, I will most likely read it shortly. A lot of times, I will read a post, but not respond to it until I fix the problem. Please don't re-post about your issue unless I never responded to you, and your post is at least a whole page back. If you just can't get help here on the forums, you can always send a private message to an administrator or moderator for help.