Edgecliff Estate Presents "Blakkrfolds Blight"OPEN!Part 2^^

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Edgecliff Estate Presents "Blakkrfolds Blight"OPEN!Part 2^^

Postby Livingdebgirl » Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:21 pm


The Kingdom of Blakkrfold, in The Void Territory, Northern Celtlands.


Gotta have 'em! :D
1. All Eldemore TOS and forum rules apply.
2. Just post here if you want to join the Adventure, and you will be added. Everyone is Welcome to Play!^^
3. Roleplaying is encouraged, but not necessary. If you choose to do so, you must also follow Eldemore's rules of RP. I have created a new Rp for this purpose. You must post in the official Edgecliff Estate Rp, located here:
Edgecliff Estate RP!
4. The adventure will last TBD At this time, parts must be completed to be eligible for prizes.
5. There is no time limit; once you have joined, you can complete the Parts at your leisure. All your progress will be noted in Post #2
6. You can Join at any time: when the Adventure starts, right in the middle or at the end!


All Adventurers that participate will receive a prize. (Prizes may consist of creatures on your WL/HL and leftover/unclaimed raffle creatures from my raffles.)
IN Addition, If you complete ALL THE PARTS, You will receive, (along with my neverending gratitude :D) A Custom Stamp for your Stamp Collection and /or Signature Created By Sphye! (Thank You so much Sphye!<3!)

How to Play

1. There will be 3-5 parts total depending on my work schedule.
2. You must complete each part to be credited for completion. All parts must be completed by TBD
3. For each part there will be a task you must complete to continue the story and finish the Adventure. (The tasks are easy peasy Forum and Homestead hunts, Lore and creature trivia or other assorted fun stoof I think of! :D )
4. The hardest part of completing my adventures is having the Strength, endurance, and stamina it takes to complete the Adventure!^^

~Credits and Disclaimers~
** All creatures used courtesy of our talented Eldemorian Artists and Eldemore.
**All graphics courtesy of random Google searches and Pinterest.
** All Lore content contained within based on Pure Imagination and no way affiliated with Official Eldemore lore.^^

Intro -Prelim

A Tale of betrayal, treason, and mutiny.
For centuries the Celtland clans of the Void territory had existed peacefully, Tales and legends of Great Warriors and Mercenaries in the Oblivion Wars and Battles were seldom told in earnest but as entertainment by traveling Bards and Rune bearers. Now a peaceful people, It is speculated that the group of Clans in the Celtlands received its reputation from fierce battles fought in the Oblivion wars. When Oblivion had been released those three years ago from his unearthly prison, every year since the clans have gotten uneasy. Talk of treason and mutiny are spoken in low whispers at the annual gathering of the Celts during the Beltane Celebration in Blakkrfold. It has been said spies and assassins of unknown origin, and disreputable intentions have infiltrated the clans, It is not known if Oblivions Curse precedes them, or they come in its wake.

The Adventuring Necromancer returned home, the lights Of Edgecliff Estate appearing before her, and much to her surprise, her Crow, Ezekiel, circled her, landing squarely on her shoulder with a loud "caw."
"Geez, guy! Where ya been? I went on a whole Adventure without you!" Ezekiel spoke, through images of what he'd seen and where he'd been.
In her mind, As the crow flies, unknown, fleeting images of a vast land filled with Kingdoms, cities, and ports containing the biggest sea vessels she had ever seen almost overwhelmed her! Some of the locations Ezekiel had seen were hauntingly familiar, yet she had not been there herself.
"Sorry I asked, Ezekiel."
Entering the Gates of Edgecliff Estate, it remained unchanged. She longed for her bed and her library. Oh, what tales she had to archive!
Behind her, on the well-trodden road, she could hear the sounds of many clacking hooves. A large caravan stopped outside the Gates, and a Maiden with brilliantly purple eyes approached her. No way! They were Mystics! The Maidens eyes teased and danced with Adventure and the Maidens radiant smile instantly put her at ease. The Maiden bowed slightly and spoke:
"I am Vadoma of the Vvarotis clan. I can explain Ezekiel's absence, and I also bear a message from the Celtland Kingdoms. May my caravan take refuge within your Estate for a fortnight? We Must prepare for a journey, and you shall too if you accept this Mission."
Taking the scroll, it read simply:
"The Kingdom of Blakkrfold, in The Void Territory, requests you and your Adventurers presence at the annual gathering of Celtic Clans. A caravan of Mystics will be traveling through your area to be your guides, for dark forces are at work here, and they travel discreetly. Our Druids have fled to Annwn, The Otherworld, and it is feared the very magic contained within the Celtlands is now in Grave jeopardy. Come quickly please; we will meet you at the Abishore docks."
It left more questions than answers. She spoke:
"All are Welcome at Edgecliff Estate. Your caravan is Welcome to stay as long as necessary."
Never a good sign, her basilisks could be seen slithering up the still bare trees, perching high amongst the forest that encompassed Edgecliff Estates. The caravan and it's colorful entourage pulled in, and the gates were securely closed and locked. "Is that necessary?" she questioned. The gates of Edgecliff Estate were always left open for potential travelers and Adventurers.
"For now, yes, I will explain all soon, but I must be certain my peoples are safe within your gates, heed the basilisks actions, for they often sense Necromancers way before they arrive. Your basilisks are specifically attuned to the evil ones, Those of Oblivion." said Vadoma. The Mystic Maiden laughed uneasily as Ezekiel took to the skies with a "caw".
Thru the eyes and flight of a watch crow, she saw him. Aboard a Grand sailing vessel, stolen in a brutal battle with the ships captain and his crew from the Celtlands on the docks of Abishore near SilverPort. But they were supposed to take us to the Void Territory! His minion crew prepared the vessel for sailing, brutally killing hundreds on board. Dozens of the former Celtic crew lay dead or dying on the docks. He stood triumphantly in the crows nest, glancing towards....EZEKIEL! Such malice and treachery could be seen in his eyes!
Her head bowed in silence, for once again, Oblivion and his Minions had gotten there before her, even before she had a chance to start.
Vadoma had gone out back to tend to her caravan and peoples. Much to her surprise, loud music and laughing commenced. Bonfires were raised and campfires were built.
She sought out Vadoma. Had Vadoma brought the message too late? How had the message been intercepted? Surely this evil minion of Oblivion must have gotten the scroll as well, he knew exactly where the transport ship would be.
Walking through the newly constructed Mystic camp, behind the Estate, wonderful aromas of incredible stews and the roasting wild game drifted through the air. Such a celebratory atmosphere permeated within the walls of Edgecliff Estate! Obviously, her knowledge of Mystic lifestyle and beliefs needed more research.
Ezekiel landed lightly on her shoulder, rubbing his black head feathers upon her cheek as if in silent comfort.
Ezekiel flew to a brightly lit, large covered wagon near the treeline of the forest that encompassed much of the Estate. She saw Vadoma speaking in hushed words with what she assumed to be a scout? Warrior? of the Vvarotis clan.
Vadoma turned when she saw her, a big smile danced on her lips.
'Welcome, necromancer, please step inside, I have some tea prepared. I have a few things to discuss with my Guard, I will join you shortly"
Vadomas wagon was splendid. The softest fabrics and colorful tapestries lined the walls. The most beautiful and intricately decorated wood bordered and surrounded the inside as well as the outside. The wood furniture was amazing lightweight, yet sturdy-truly made by a Master of Wood Crafting.
In the center of a table, a crystal ball, flawless, sat upon a golden pedestal, images moving within it, or so it seemed. She was mesmerized. It was the same image of the same man aboard the Grand sailing vessel!
She turned with a stunned look on her face as Vadoma entered the wagon. She pointed to the crystal ball.
"I have seen him Vadoma! Through Ezekiel's eyes!"
"Ah, I see you have the gift of sight. please sit, we have much to discuss. My peoples are very comfortable here, do you know the origins of the Wards that protect the gates and all within it? The Wards are quite strong. Ancient. Very powerful.

"Perhaps it is my vocation that might have triggered its appearance. The lost souls in the graveyard out front guided me here. I released them from their tethered existence within this realm with the "Old Faith" of Oblivions prayers. Who placed the Wards I have no idea, for this place existed long before I came here. It has always been here, everywhere."
Vadoma nodded smiling. The music seemed to get louder outside as pounding and sawing could be heard near the Wagon. Vadoma spoke:
" Let us take a walk.

"For years and till this day, the Celtlands have remained unaffected by Oblivians Curse. Even though It is said the very curse was created there. With Oblivion still unchecked nor hindered by the Ancients that once thwarted his evil plans by imprisoning him, his power and the curse he put on the Magical lands of Eldemore grows with each passing day. We cannot stop him, but we can delay the eventual manifestations of Oblivions Curse by using the remaining magic within ourselves and within Eldemore itself. That which you saw through Ezekiel's eyes as well within the crystal ball was but a twist of Fate, allowed by the Fateweaver herself. Her Web of Fate cannot be denied.
He that you saw is but a thief, albeit a crafty one with a great following. His power lies in leadership, a thirst for gold and riches. Betrayal, treason, and Mutiny are his strong points. You can hinder his progress, as told in the prophecy.

They stopped before what appeared to be a sled of sorts, finely crafted of the most lightweight, sturdy, resilient wood she had ever seen. Danse, her messenger Jack, raced out of the woods so fast, he bounced off her legs, nearly knocking her down! It looks like he brought a message for...Vadoma? Wha?
Time stood still as Vadoma read the message. The silence that encompassed the Estate was almost drowning.
They have my daughter, Arwyn. Find the Spooky Folk Jacks, Danse will lead the sled to Abishore docks, you will know what to do when you get there. Hurry! They are Coming!

Objectives for Part 1 Find the Spooky Folk Jacks within my threads listed in my signature below.
Pm their locations to me. Only those that find all 8 Jacks will continue on.

Part 2 of Blakkrfold's Blight

It's a Pirates life for me.

Vadoma and the Vvarotis clan hurriedly packed their campsite as the gates to Edgecliff Estate were opened and the caravan began to leave.
It was as if a spell had been broken, a circle of protection had been compromised and all Hell broke loose. Long, mournful howls from the woods erupted, warning shots from unseen crossbows studded the caravan. A golden arrow grazed her forearm as it embedded with a "fhoot" into her sled. Shouts from the VVarotis echoed in the air as the Gypsy Vanner Sleipnir that pulled the wagons took off at a fast trot.

Obviously, there was much more to this story Vadoma was not telling. She realized Vadoma had her own agenda on this Adventure. Perhaps everyone involved did.
What did Vadoma mean exactly when she said: "They are coming!?" Who? or what?
A loud screech filled the air as the shadow of her Darkest Hour Phoenix darkened the sky.


The Transylvania Folk Jackalopes took off as if it was their last ride. Taking the shortcut, they followed alongside the caravan for a bit and detoured off the well-beaten path into the unexplored territories of Eldemore, knowing full well they were being followed. By whom or what was unknown.
Soon the smell of salty water, dead fish, and damp, mustiness filled the air.

Whelp, Vadoma said I'd know what to do, but that, like everything else she said was metaphoric.
Her Transylvania Jacks stopped abruptly in what appeared to be a newly dug makeshift graveyard. Half-buried souls cried in desperation and appealed to her very instincts. Torn between following the jacks to the docks and counseling the dead sailors, she chose to follow her faith, her Old Faith Necromancer profession. It was what she did, how she worked. Before she continued, she chose to mingle with the dead.

Walking among the hurriedly dug graves her Transylvanian Jacks winked and sped to the docks, and to her amazement, a pack of Forest dires slinked by.
She took her time, whispered long ago prayers of encouragement and promises of release to eternal peace to what appeared to be dead sailors, soon reaching the Docks of Abishore Village.
The makeshift graveyard lent no solace to those haphazardly buried within it, an awkward afterthought to hide a dastardly deed.

Abishore Village is a much smaller port settlement west of Silverport, along river trade routes as well as caravan trade routes. Further situated along the twin rivers, hidden in a cove, it is said it was founded by pirate racketeers during the Oblivion wars. Very secluded and often the first village encountered by unknowing overseas sailing vessels, eager to make landfall and tired from a long sea journey. It is often their only and last stop. To this day, most knowledgeable sea-farers steer clear of Abishore Village, for its reputation for thievery, swindling, and corruption still holds true to this day.
It was quiet as night fell, and those long ago visions within a crystal ball no longer held true. Ships docked on the shore, loading, and unloading.
Loud, raucous laughter and sounds of fighting emanated from the taverns along the docks. Ships were loaded with crates and huge cargo vessels.
Absently, she heard Ezekiel caw in alarm as he sat upon a ship. Immediately, she opened her mind as a flow of visions entered from Ezekiel's Point-of-view. A rare occurrence for those that are blood-bound to a creature of Eldemore. She could see through his eyes.

At first, she could not decipher it.

A girl stood, blood dripping from her arm, an army of undead behind her. Dire wolves danced within the ranks, finding every and any way to stow upon the ship. Purple eyes were reflected amongst the forest line by the moonlight as the stamp of eager sleipnirs hooves echoed in her ears.
Now she knew, now it hit her as she recognized Ezekiel's last vision of Him. It was the thief as he stood at the helm of the Malstrom, it was Ezekiel's view of herself she saw reflected through a crow's eyes, and the army of undead she that raised accidentally with those few drops of blood and this was the very ship she sought.
What appeared to once be the Captain of the ship approached her. Now amongst the undead, he still held his head high and bowed. A large gash on the top of his head told the story of his demise. He spoke to her mind as those of the dead often do.
" Madame, you have done us a great favor. We wish to return to our Homeland in Blakkrfold, to be buried properly and get the peace we seek. These scavengers raided my ship, killing almost everyone on board and emptied the ship of our trade goods. We will fight to get the ship back and get you to Blakkrfold safely."

Dire howls came deep within the bowels of the ship, as she instantly drew her weapons.

The Battle was brutal, chaotic and swift as the Undead crew from the Celtlands, newly raised, took revenge upon the thieving minion crew. Some say the battle was unfair, for although the Minion crew by far outnumbered the undead sailors, they had a severe disadvantage-you can't kill those already dead.

Some of the thieving Minion crew escaped death, along with the Head thief, and some have said they later were driven to Insanity with visions of the Battle with the Undead. Quite an appropriate victory for the sailors, whose lives were taken first, by a marauding minion crew of thieves, traitors, and swindlers.

In the Waxing Darkness of the moonless night of a double new Moon, that night's activities remain hidden and obscured. Most of the goods remained on board, and the Mystics Caravans were loaded into the cargo bay.
The ship Malstrom slipped away from the docks toward Blakkrfold silently leaving an army of dead marauders on the shore and floating lifeless in the gently rolling waves. Only this time it was she and her Adventurers at the helm.

In retrospect, and unbeknownst to her and the sailing ship Mastrom and it's occupants, A man watched on the shore of Abishore docks with hatred and vengeance in his eyes.

With help from the dead sailors, they set sail to their destination ...Blakkrfold.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire....

Part 2 Objectives

1. Find all 8 of Arwyn's, Vadoma's daughter, dire wolf pack located within the threads listed in my signature. They will be of great assistance when we reach Blackrfold in the next part. ;)
2. Pm me the links, images of where you found them and you will be credited for completing Part 2
3. Have fun my Adventurers!

Part 3 of Blakkorfolds Blight
AKA The Power of Nature

The druids fled to the otherworld in search of sanctuary from the thieves, swindlers and those that seek to do them harm. For the druids, their power lies in nature itself, and to be void of this inspirational source of their very being does not bode well for the vulnerable balances within the magic of the celtlands as well as eldemore itself. Thieves, vagabonds, swindlers, and rogues had arrived in droves in Blakkorfold to steal its unique treasures and the magic contained within its creations. It seems they stop at nothing to get it, including bribery, kidnapping, and treason.

She found the maiden, Vadoma, Phuri Dai of the Vvarotis Clan of Mystics standing on the bow of the Malstrom, a worried expression on her face. The Celtland shore appeared on the horizon. Now she understood why the Maiden appeared lost in anxious thought. She toyed absently with the magic arrow, one of many she had retrieved from the dead thieves and vagabonds bodies they had fought at Abishore. Each arrow had hit its target perfectly. No evidence was visible of where they came from or who had fired them with such incredible expertise. The delicate shafts of the arrows had intricate glyphs and symbols carved upon them, many of which she remembered seeing in Vadoma Wagon.

A mental shift in the atmosphere had been silently weaving itself into the environment as they neared the shore. The sky was dark as if a giant cloud obscured both the land and the air itself, yet there was no cloud.
The wind and sea were motionless and had I not felt the water and breathed the air, and it was almost as if it didn't exist at all.
A distinct nuance of malevolence enveloped the entire region with underlying layers of bad vibrations. It was impossible to pinpoint its exact source, for it draped over the whole area like a heavy black cloak. It wasn't the real essence of a spell or Ward invoked or cast upon the region, but instead, it was if something is absent, taken away from it. Like it's very nature had been sucked dry of life.

She addressed the Maiden, her voice a whisper.
"What is it Vadoma? "

The undead Captain of the Malstrom appeared next to them, a look of apprehension in his dead eyes.
Uh Oh.
This situation certainly can't be good if a dead man was worried.
Vadoma spoke:
"These thieves are either very smart or very dumb. I dare not risk turning the cards nor searching the ball with this malevolent atmosphere that envelopes the area."

She nodded as the occasional flash of lightning filled the sky. It was hard to tell if it was day or night. It was as if all comprehension of time was gone.
Finally, they reached the shore of Blakkrfold.
All was silent.
Everyone assembled on deck as the now long dead Captain gave orders to go ashore.
"You and the Adventurers, along with the Vvrotis Clan stay onboard. Set sail at any sign of unrest. The Malstrom is your only escape if things have gone rogue. We are best to deal with may have happened here. I will report back. Stay safe!"
Ezekiel, the Bloodbound crow, followed the dead crew of the Malstrom into the foggy darkness of the shore of Blakkrfold, disappearing in the thick fog instantly.
Vadoma spoke:
"Arwyn's dires have left the ship, seeking Arwyn and the Druid's trail, I will take some of my crew and follow. The fog is thick, and though we mystics can see through it, I fear it will be an absolute hinderance for you and your Adventurers. I do believe in the Captain's good advice to stay aboard in safety, but also I think our time is limited, Blakkorfolds life force is dwindling.
If we do not find and rescue Anwyn and the Druids to retrieve its life essence, Blakkorfold will be but a dead zone in the Celtlands. Unless you can find a way to follow the dires safely in this fog, it would be best to stay put until we find out more."

With that said, Vadoma jumped over the side onto an awaiting caravan below, disappearing within seconds into the fog.
Well, this is quite the conundrum. You would think a necromancer that can see dead people could look in the fog...not necessarily, so it seems.

Part 3 Objectives

1.Search my Homestead and find the Golden Lantern Drake that will help guide us through the fog.
Last edited by Livingdebgirl on Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:45 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Edgecliff Estate Presents "Blakkrfolds Blight" WIP^^

Postby Livingdebgirl » Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:28 pm


TenebraePart 1-Done!

Coyote Part 2-Done!

NightAssassin Part 2-Done!

Kara99 Part 1-Done!
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Re: Edgecliff Estate Presents "Blakkrfolds Blight" OPEN !

Postby Livingdebgirl » Fri May 04, 2018 6:56 pm

My, My. Look what the storm dragged in.

Hello Fellow Eldemorians^^It has been almost half a year living in hiatus on Eldemore,and I must say the suspense of the arrival of the opening spurs me to keep activity going^^Join me if you dare^^

If you can find the 8 Spooky Jacks-You are in!
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Re: Edgecliff Estate Presents "Blakkrfolds Blight"OPEN!Part

Postby Livingdebgirl » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:21 pm

Hello My fellow adventurers^^

After a few Unfortunate circumstances and unforeseen events, I bring you Part 2 of Blakkrfolds Blight^^
I'm having such fun writing it and I hope my loyal adventurers are enjoying it^^
Thank you so much for your patience and your participation!

As always, everyone is welcome to play and join at any time if you dare! lol!
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Re: Edgecliff Estate Presents "Blakkrfolds Blight"OPEN!Part

Postby Livingdebgirl » Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:39 pm

Yo ho and a bottle of rum, fellow Adventurers! :D
Part 3 preview is up on the 1st post, and your Objectives will be added soon! Thank you so much for your loyalty, tenacity, and attention!
Come visit my thread for raffles, giveaways, contests and fun!

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