The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

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The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

Postby Ticklicous » Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:33 pm

Chase Alexander Padwell


Storm Breaker
Sarcastic, but overall kind and gentle. Tends to tease Chase a lot as tries to get the boy into more social situations. He cares a lot for Chase and would fight to the death for him. Tends to be very overprotective during first meetings though.

Physical Description:
Stands in at five feet and ten inches tall weighing 164lbs. His skin is lightly tanned and his eyes a dark, dark brown. He has thick black straight hair that falls just below his ears. Chase has clean skin and no scars upon him. He tends to wear things only consisting of earthy colors.

Chase is rather quiet and reserved overall and tends to stay to himself. Though he may seem cold at first he is honest and caring. He is very gentle and surprisingly quite sweet. Also very generous, but tends to lack confidence. Chase knows how to stay calm in many situations. He does tend to have trust issues though and prefers to stay more around his non-human companions. Chase likes food and is keen with the many creatures. He tends to have a way with them. Chase dislikes social situations and can be rather awkward. He tends to grow close to only very few people. He is a follower rather than a leader. Studious and major bookworm Chase is very into reading and studying ancient lore as well as learn all about each species known to Eldemore.
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Re: The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

Postby parlaymars » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:50 pm


Knowing the Basics

      Full Name}} Her name is Ian Esther LeStraud, meaning "starring gift from the gracious god". A name with power behind it, and responsibility. A name like that is something to live up to.
      Nickname}} The people she cares about call her Ian.
      Gender}} Ian is a female, despite her first name. Her father always wanted a son.
      Age}} Ian is roughly eighteen years old, she could be a few years younger or older. She hasn't really kept track, and the years have blurred together.
      Job}} Ian is a Rune Bearer, traveler, thief, assassin, scout, rogue. She has many titles.
      Desired Job}} She's doing what she loves.
      Physical Features}} Ian has deep chocolate-brown hair a few that reaches a few inches below her shoulders. She keeps it out of her face in an elaborate braided bun. Her facial structure is well-defined, with high cheekbones and full lips. Her top lip is slightly out of proportion with her bottom one, being slightly less full, but isn't noticeable until she points it out. Her eyes are a deep hazel color flecked with grey, and usually flicker with mischief. She stands at a tall 5'9, above average for most women. Her limbs are long and well-proportioned, her body toned and lithe from many years at her line of work. Her skin is tanned from years in the sun and freedom, and the faint beginnings of crow's feet can be seen around her eyes, the product of years of squinting into the sun. That is, until she bonded with her three runes.

      The first was Murmuro, the jade-green Celtic Wolf Rune from the Celtlands. He lended an inch of his massive height, a higher forehead and a flatter nose. Her eyes turned from a greyish chocolate to a greenish hue, though still extremely dark. Her hair grew coarser and longer, causing her to change her style from a bun to a single braid that hangs to the middle of her back. He also lent her surprising speed and agility, and a stamina that rivals the elkrin of the plains. He also lent her a certain hardiness that comes in handy during harsh winter months.

      Ethoria lent her a fierceness to her gaze, her eyes now more yellow than mossy green-hazel. Her fingers are longer, with sharper nails, and her canines sharper and more defined. Her skin became resistant to heat, she no longer has the ability to sweat - she doesn't need to. Her body temperature can also fluctuate ten degrees in either direction without any physical effects, though if she stays outside her optimum range (between 90 and 110 degrees) it will, eventually, kill her.

      Lorelei gave her grace, poise, and the ability to swim faster than most, though dedicated swimmers and those bonded to other sea runes are also on her level. Her navigation and tendency to wander, as well as steal, increased with him; and she is rarely happy for long in one place.


Digging Deeper
      Personality}} Ian is known as a tough girl. She strives to keep her sarcasm in check and loves making friends, though she is choosy about the people she associates with. In conversation she does her best to be polite, though she has HDHD and has a hard time staying focused when her life is boring. She loves to steal just about anything- an influence from her Siren Rune -, though she is rather skeptical of compliments since she sees nothing but errors in her work. Ian also has a deep love for animals, wanting to fill her 'home' up with them and, on the off chance that she'd end up alone, thinks that being an old rune lady would be absolutely delightful. She's always going to be there for her friends without fail. Loyalty and devotion to friends is a big part of who she is. So if you call Ian your ally, or friend, don't ever worry about her not standing up for you when someone verbally, emotionally, or physically attacks you.

      That being said Ian is really an outgoing person, when it comes to starting conversations with people she doesn't know...well, it tends to get very out of hand. Girls, listen up. Ian can't keep her hands off of things that aren't hers.... especially guys. She is a light sleeper, taking usually at least an hour before falling asleep, and even then she is always ready for an attack. Being that she has a large celtic wolf rune sleeping at her feet helps, too. Ian also tends to catch on to tension, and will often leave town or talk to that person before he/she stabs her in the back... literally. Being homeless is a hard life, but Ian loves it. All she asks is that you watch her back and guard her stuff, and she'll be your friend for life.


      History}} Ian grew up in an estate just outside of Alabaster City. Around her tenth year (considered almost an adult, by her society's standards) she discovered that her father was having an affair. She also discovered that their had been a child of that union, born just three months after herself. She was disgusted, and grew to hate her father. She had her Adultering party, and soon after fell in love with Aspen St. Claire, a son of the St. Claires. Only one problem - he was already engaged. They made plans to get married anyway, but her father found out and disowned her. She left her love to travel, knowing that he could not marry a woman who had no status in society. She stayed in an inn in the city, learning how to protect herself with a blade from a retired keeper.

      She left a few years before Hubris came to power, stumbling upon a rune in the forest. He brought her to Benathorn and Jendalie's cottage, and she learned of the runes and all they had to offer. Instead of joining her brothers and sisters in arms, Ian felt no desire to fight in the war. Instead, she learned of a large rune deep in the heart of the Celtlands, and journeyed there on the back of a stolen horse. She bonded with the Celtic Wolf Rune, Murmuro, and stayed in the Celtlands to further her training.

      A couple of months later the pair headed for the volcanoes and a bearer called Sophie LeClaire. Ian bonded with Sophie's feisty Scoria discovery, taking in the little female as her own. It wasn't long before Ian and the she-devil bonded, and from there they decided to avoid Hubris' minions and head for the wild western coasts. There she bonded with Lorelei, the Siren Rune, and Ian discovered a tiny island off the mainland - really no more than a spit of dirt; but covered in lush forests and meadows. She built a little cottage and has 'lived' there ever since, though she leaves for large periods of time to travel and often comes back to a nest of runes that have to be convinced to find a different place to live than her bathroom counter.


Love is Weakness

      Bonded with}} Lorelei the siren rune, Ethoria the scoria rune, Murmuro the celtic wolf rune.
      Growing fond of}} Formerly engaged to Aspen St. Claire, now - unknown.
      Married to}} She does not plan to get married anytime soon.
      Mother to}} Ian has no children and plans on adopting when the time comes. She has seen orphans and will not bring a child into the world when there is one in need of mothering.
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Re: The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

Postby Ticklicous » Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:54 pm

"You know, you should find a mate." A voice rumbled teasingly. A young man rolled his eyes. "Storm Breaker, you tell me to go after any female human at this point." The rune drake snorted. "So do not!" He stated indignantly. "You tried to set me up with an right year old girl!" Chase retaliated. Storm Breaker couldn't deny that he did that. Considering he did that. Chase sighed as he sat in an open field with his closest companion. The rune drake had known Chase since he had first found the drake at a very young age. Poachers had done that, killed his parents. So Chase had taken him in, raised him. The two now shared a very strong bond that made them pretty much inseparable.

Chase sat and bit into a bit of food, just some bread with cheese. Storm Breaker looked down to him. They had just recently left a small town on their journey around the world. Chase was feeling as if he had to settle. Find somewhere to just make a normal living and call it good. Plus Storm Breaker was kind of right. He could use somebody in his life. Though he wouldn't admit that. Chase finished his food with a sigh and flopped backwards into the grass. "Geez." He said aloud to nobody in particular. Storm Breaker snorted in amusement. "I bet our lives will get exciting soon enough." He stated.
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Re: Ian;; post 1

Postby parlaymars » Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:16 pm

xxxxxxxIan rode on the back of a hay-colored steppe horse, the sturdy legs of the animal she'd "bought" (nicked) from the innkeeper of the Shadowy Pony carrying her swiftly from one town to the next. Unfortunate for that bloke, but fortunate enough for her, the pony had been outfitted with packs and it seemed to Ian that the young mare had been begging to be stolen. A wry quirk of her lips and she jumped fluidly from her perch, landing on the balls of her feet and pivoting in one smooth motion. The steppe horse nickered fondly and she patted its' nose before relieving it of the heavy bags. Rooting around for her haversack, Ian triumphantly fished out the crumpled tan leather and held it out for a rather tall rune dragon male to sniff.
xxxxxxx"Murmuro, shoo! The jerky is fine where it is, thank you." she said sternly, though laughter glinted in green-gold eyes. With a flapping, leathery sound, Lorelei came to perch on her left shoulder. Ian let out an exclamation of surprise when she felt rivulets of water running down her shoulder and into the worn fabric of her tunic.
xxxxxxx"Lorelei! You're all wet." she accused, shaking her shoulders to the obvious dismay of the Siren Rune, who lifted off to perch on the back of the steppe horse; in the process shooting the tall, leggy brunette a look of absolute betrayal. She just grinned back at him, the bluish dragon huffing and turning away from her; only to lift his cheek spines in surprise as a whirring sound - not unlike rocks being rubbed together - descended through the treetops. The woman lifted her hand to shade her eyes from the dappled sunlight falling through the canopy, barely seeing the slightly larger form of Ethoria before the dragon crashed into her. The impact sent both females to the floor, Murmuro chuffing in alarm and growling at Ethoria as he helped his mistress up. Ian smiled gratefully at her large companion and cooed at Ethoria, whom blushed and turned away to sit next to Lorelei and chatter insistantly.
xxxxxxx"It's all right, Ethoria. I know your wings give you trouble in places without a strong breeze." Ian placated as they exited the path and wound through a grassy, sunlit meadow. Murmuro let out a warning growl a second before Ian noticed the dark-haired stranger and his drake, a massive creature even compared to Murmuro; whom the drake dwarfed. This didn't stop the Celtic Wolf rune from raising his hackles and showing his teeth, much to Ian's discomfort. This was the wrong person to pick a fight with, but if she had to defend herself and her runes she would. Carefully, as to not tip off the stranger, Ian moved one hand behind her back to grasp the smooth handle of her dagger.
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Re: The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

Postby Ticklicous » Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:05 pm

Chase sighed as he closed his eyes and let the wind tumble over the grass. It was all so relaxing, and made him want to nap. Though when suddenly he heard a rumble coming from Storm Breaker he lifted his head. Nearby was a young woman with three little rune dragons. Storm Breaker watched them warily, but Chase stood up. "Calm yourself, Storm Breaker. It's not like they are trying to attack." Chase told the rune drake. Storm Breaker snorted in annoyance, but he otherwise lay down and waited to see what happened to Chase. He wasn't too keen on knowing his closest friend was in potential danger. Chase rolled his eyes. "Listen, you know I am not that easy to fool. Just gonna say hi." Chase told him.

Storm Breaker lay his head down before Chase started to walk over. "Hello! I'm not a for!" He announced calmly. He had on a brown cloak with green trimmings. Under it he had a tshirt and khakis. He wore his typical hiking boots. As he approached he noticed the Celtic wolf growling, but otherwise showed no fear. He stood a good few feet away from the woman. "I'm Chase. Just passing though with lizard-breath over there." He explained calmly, pointing back with his thumb at the resting rune drake. Storm Breaker still eyed the group warily. Chase knew he didn't trust others so easily. The drake had been orphaned due to humans. So of course that meant he had a natural distrust from the start at this point. Chase couldn't really blame him.

Noticing the horse Chase was curious of who this young lady even was. Was she a traveler of the sorts? Chase himself was more of a peddler overall, and could even trade his way up from a stick to a couple rare rune drake eggs if he wanted to. Though Storm Breaker was definitely his main pal. He would never go anywhere without the drake. Chase looked back to the young lady and waited for any answer she may give. If she was hostile then Chase would get out of there fast.
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Re: Ian;; post 2

Postby parlaymars » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:19 pm

xxxxxxxIan looked warily at the stranger with clear gold-chocolate eyes, blinking rapidly in an almost reptilian movement. At his words, she raised one delicately arched eyebrow.
xxxxxxx"Only enemies pronounce that they are friends. I shall be the judge of whether you fall into the former category-." she pursed her lips, considering, and took her hand from behind her back; leaving the dagger in its' sheath.
xxxxxxx"-or the latter." The brunette finished, with a tiny, almost imperceptible nod to her runes. Lorelei fixed his dark gaze on the stranger, liquid eyes blinking slowly; almost lazily. Ethoria lifted from Ian's shoulder with a buzz of her unusual wings, while Murmuro stopped growling but seemed stuck to Ian's hip, looking angrily from the stranger to the drake. He was overprotective to the point of jealousy when he guarded his mistress.
xxxxxxxIan smoothed the dark green of her tunic, the light tan hide of her pants. Her worn boots in a slighty darker shade than her pants were scuffed on the edges, but otherwise unharmed. Her head was bare, her coarse hair braided into one fluid strand down her back to be tied off with a strip of black leather chording. A leather belt completed the look, and left her with an actual waist and a slight flaring of her hips and bust, proclaiming to all that she was a woman; though subtly.
xxxxxxxIan smiled wanly, though it did not reach her eyes, and extended a hand in formal greeting, curtsying. She cursed herself silently, she had not yet forced all of her noble-bred characteristics from her personality. She straightened, looking expectantly at the stranger with hand stretched out in an offering of peace.
xxxxxxx"I am Ian, and you are?" she asked politely.
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Re: The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

Postby Ticklicous » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:36 pm

Chase listened to what the young lady said about being the judge of his social approval to her. He watched the three runes cooly and collectively, with no flinching at all. He waited for a while as things began to settle out slightly. His eyes drifted to the hand that had been hidden behind her back. It had drawn out nothing but an empty hand. Although he knew there was a knife or something of the sort behind her. He would still watch his back. Just in case anything happened that she may end up being a danger to him. He was then offered a hand and noticed her giving a curtesy too. Odd thing to do, but nonetheless he took to overall notice. Instead he nodded and took her hand in a greeting. She introduced herself as Ian. Interesting name if he said so himself.

"I am Chase. The drake back there is Storm Breaker." He said to her. He looked back and beckoned to the drake. The drake lifted himself and leapt up to glide over. He flapped his wings as he landed gently on his feet. A rumble sounded in his throat as he stood tall and curled his tail over Chase's feet in a protective manner. He eyed the dragons, watching for any threatening moves. As well as the girl. "So, who do we have here?" Storm Breaker asked warily. "Ian this is Storm Breaker, Storm Breaker meet Ian..." Chase said as he introduced the two. The drake tentatively nodded at Ian politely.
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Re: Ian;; post 3

Postby parlaymars » Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:01 pm

xxxxxxxOnce he took her hand Ian relaxed, though she would still be on her guard; she did not sense any immediate danger from this man. She allowed a brief smile to flicker across her face before it disappeared.
xxxxxxx"It is a pleasure to meet you, Chase; Storm Breaker." she took time to acknowledge both the man and the large drake, knowing it was expected of her to do so. She gestured to each of her three runes in turn.
xxxxxxx"This is Lorelei-" she said, gesturing to the small blue and green rune on her shoulder. His liquid black eyes did not waver from the face of the stranger, Ian knew it was because he was ready to sing at any moments' notice and put them under his spell. Though small, roughly the size of a large duck; Lorelei was equipped with the deadliest weapon of all - a song that could kill. It didn't bother Ian, as she was bonded to him; and even lent some of his hypnotic powers to her. But it also came in handy when dealing with enemies.
xxxxxxx"and Ethoria-" pointing to the form of the slightly larger female Rune whom had landed near the side of the path and was picking dejectedly at small seeds. The soft, downy undercoat of the rune was a creamy yellow and soft orange color, and seemed to shift like fire. What most stood out about her, though, was the unusual growths on her wings that she could move independently, sharp as obsidian blades. It also caused a strange humming sound when she flew Finally, Ian turned to the extremely large Rune dragon next to her.
xxxxxxx"and, of course, this is Murmuro." she finished, Murmuro making a show of puffing out his chest. Of Ian's companions, he was the muscle, his head reaching just below Ian's bust. He growled to embellish her point before flapping a pair of powerful wings, sending a gust of gravel over the intruders and telling everyone what he thought of the other males. He glared at them for effect, turning and nuzzling Ian; whom pushed his head away playfully. She knew when he was jealous, and this was one of those times.
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Re: The World We All Share [Private with Lady LeStraud]

Postby Ticklicous » Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:26 pm

Chase nodded to Ian and looked to each of the runes that were introduced. All three had interesting looks, and were new to him. Considering he never was too into the rune dragons much. Chase had been more on the term of the drakes. He could see that the three runes definitely had their special abilities. Although Chase did indeed recognize the species that Lorelei was. Chase had come across one on an ocean trip once. Luckily that Storm Breaker was actually immune to all sound related attacks, considering he could create ear splitting thunder crashes when he roared and had electrical capabilities. The electricity magic actually flowed through Chase due to their strong bond. One thing also about Storm Breaker was that being a cockatoo drake that allowed him to greatly amplify sound to a dangerous point.

Storm Breaker yawned, displaying his jaws. He signified he was powerful and ready to fight back if he needed. Chase rolled his eyes. "So, are you a peddler too by chance?" Chase asked. He looked back to the saddle bags of valuable items upon Storm Breaker's back. They were his lifeline when it came to getting money. Chase was an expert in peddling and trade. So he rarely needed to worry about money too much. He had many rare items on Storm Breaker that he kept in good condition. He would be selling as many as he could in market at the next town.
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Re: Ian;; post 4

Postby parlaymars » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:17 am

xxxxxxx"A peddler? That would be one of the nicer names. No, I'm not a peddler." She clarified, but made no move to reveal her actual profession. Ian supposed she was many things, peddler among them, but that could not be considered her true profession. No, she was no peddler.
xxxxxxxIan looked over the drake, noting his characteristics and mannerisms. She decided that he was most likely a cockatoo drake, and therefore would be immune to Lorelei's music. Still, she thought, better be prepared in case this went south.
xxxxxxx"Do you perhaps have anything for sale?" she asked sweetly, eyes crinkling around the edges. Perhaps she could get lucky and a decent meal could be had from this encounter, Ian was always looking to broaden her horizons and a nice drake egg would certainly pay her way for a while - if she could get past the huge drake acting as bodyguard.
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